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Greedfall обновление №3 улучшает стабильность, исправляет проблемы вылетов и многое другое

Spiders выпустили новое обновление для своей ролевой игры Greedfall. Согласно примечаниям к выпуску обновления №3, которое вышло 31 октября, оно исправляет многочисленные ошибки. Кроме того, этот патч исправляет некоторые игровые проблемы, а также некоторые грамматические ошибки.

Greedfall Update #3 Release Notes:


  1. Fixed an issue where Cera didn’t appear in the High King’s village during the “Vinbarr’s Sactuary” quest
  2. Fixed
    an issue where the player could not convince Derdre in the “Trouble in
    Eden” side quest despite having high reputation with her clan.
  3. Fixed an issue where romance cut-scenes would not play.
  4. Fixed an issue where the “Catch the drop box user” objective in the Naut questline would stay active despite completing it.
  5. Fixed
    an issue where the “Find the scouts of San Matheus” in “San Matheus
    under attack” quest was not completed, stopping a guardian from
  6. Fixed an issue where the player could not convince
    Derdre in the “Trouble in Eden” side quest despite having high
    reputation with her clan.
  7. Fixed an issue where saving was disabled after a specific dialogue in “The suffering of Constantin” quest.


  1. Increased the size of Russian texts for reading comfort
  2. Fixed some grammatical mistakes


  1. Fixed some issues where waypoints were incorrectly displayed.
  2. Fixed an issue with the “sort by name” feature in the equipment list.
  3. Fixed an issue where the combat tutorial would advance without player input.


  1. Fixed an issue where companions would stop following the player
  2. Fixed some collision issues
  3. Improved stability thanks to additional crash fixes.
  4. Fixed multiple issues with key bindings.
  5. Dodge and parry are now correctly shown on the key bindings page.

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