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сообщение 17.09.2014, 16:27
Сообщение #1921

И никаких няш-мяш!

Репутация:   5029  
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Регистрация: 04.02.2003

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Сборка движка X-Ray 1.0007 RC1
Сборка движка ЗП от Shoker
0) Устанавливаем Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (Proffesional или Team, я собирал в первой), сервис пак из архива engine.vc2008.fixed.rar подходит только к английской версии студии, для русской нужно будет скачать отдельно.
1) Создаём на диске папку, в ней ещё одну папку.

2) В эту папку помещаем только папку engine.vc2008 из архива "engine.vc2008.fixed - фикшенный мною проект vs2008", папку SDK от туда не трогаем.

3) Папку SDK берём из архива "stasvn\sources\engine.vc2005-2008(~1.6.02 бенчмарк) - март 2010", из под-папки sources.
Помещаем её в одну папку к engine.vc2008

4) Вот теперь поверх неё докладываем папку SDK из архива engine.vc2008.fixed.rar, соглашаемся на замену всех файлов

5) Качаем с сайта майкрософт два DirectX SDK - 2009 March и 2010 June. (Вес каждой около 500 мб), можно использовать только версию 2009, но тогда не сможете собрать xrRender_R4. (LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'd3d11.lib'), а если будете использовать только 2010 - игра с R4 не запустится.

После установки двух DX SDK убедитесь что они прописали свои пути в студию, файлы 2010-го СДК должны быть после 2009-го, как показано на рисунке:

Аналогично для разделов Executable files и Include files. Если возникнут вопросы, ищите информацию в гугле по словам "подключение directx sdk visual studio 2008"

При неправильных версиях СДК (или его не-подключении) в логе будет ругань на отсутствие файлов типа d3dXX.lib\.h)
Перемещать папки из уже установленного DirectX SDK никуда не нужно. Достаточно прописать к ним пути глобально для студии (или для каждого проекта вручную)

Комментарий от loxotron: достаточно скопировать и переименовать d3d11_beta.lib в d3d11.lib в папке с директовским сдк, а еще лучше скачать и поставить DX SDK August 2009 и не париться с неподходящими версиями.

6) На всякий случаи можно установить ещё SDK\OpenALwEAX.exe, но не уверен что он критически необходим.

7) Запускаем проект через ..\CoP\Project\engine.vc2008\engine.sln. Когда он загрузится, вверху студии режим сборки с Debug_Dedicated (или любой другой) меняем на Release. Далее слева\справа будет список папок с файлами движка, нам нужна, в первую очередь, папка 3rd_party - жмём на неё правой кнопкой мыши и выбираем Build\Построить.

Если всё будет правильно, то в конце лог внизу напишет об 11 успешных проектах (или число будет меньше, если некоторые проекты уже были собраны до этого, лог об этом тоже сообщит "пропущены\up to date") Главное чтобы Ошибок\Fatal везде было 0
У меня собрались полностью все проекты без ошибок. (warning за полноценные ошибки не считаются)

8) По аналогии, сверху вниз, можно собрать другие Dll-ки, папки editor\dedicated\utils\plugins собирать не обязательно - к движку они не относятся. Дольше всего будет собираться xrGame.dll. Остальные достаточно быстро.

Собирать все Dll-ки к слову не обязательно. Можно лишь нужные. Когда они будут готовы - создать чистую папку bin в папке с игрой. Закинуть туда все созданные dll файлы (можно вместе с .pdb). При необходимости, можно докинуть отсутствующие файлы из оригинальной bin ЗП (2-ой патч), если игра будет их требовать. (Навроде wrap_oal.dll)
Игру я запускал с оригинального Stalker-COP.exe

Если всё верно, то в логе\консоли игры в первых строчках будет указан билд игры и дата построения.

Сообщение отредактировал RayTwitty - 22.01.2016, 17:03
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 11:51
Сообщение #1922

Опытный Геймер

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Сообщений: 169
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Регистрация: 19.11.2010

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alpet, ты свой xrDXT собирал? Он тянет NVTT, а с ним есть проблема.

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 13:58
Сообщение #1923

Магистр Игры

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Награды: 4
Регистрация: 26.03.2007

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Цитата(jamakasi @ 22.08.2014, 16:36) *
Единственный косяк ЧН это очень сильно измененные луа скрипты и соответсвенно многие функции что делает почти невозможно под чистую без багов перенести тч логику на чн двиг.

это целиком и полностью косяк "мододелов", которым всегда что-то мешает, а не движка. так можно то же самое сказать про UE, CE и прочие юнити, они, мол, косячные, ибо сталкеровские скрипты вообще не понимают.
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 13:59
Сообщение #1924


Репутация:   19  
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Сообщений: 130
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Регистрация: 24.05.2008

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Цитата(Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 12:51) *
alpet, ты свой xrDXT собирал? Он тянет NVTT, а с ним есть проблема.

Нет, я выключил его в солюшене.
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 14:38
Сообщение #1925

Опытный Геймер

Репутация:   22  
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Сообщений: 169
Награды: 2
Регистрация: 19.11.2010

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Цитата(alpet @ 23.08.2014, 14:59) *
Нет, я выключил его в солюшене.

Он что, не нужен?

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 14:47
Сообщение #1926


Репутация:   19  
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Сообщений: 130
Награды: 2
Регистрация: 24.05.2008

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Цитата(Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 15:38) *
Он что, не нужен?

Для игры не требуется. Может для редакторов-компиляторов надо.
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 14:55
Сообщение #1927

Опытный Геймер

Репутация:   22  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 169
Награды: 2
Регистрация: 19.11.2010

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Зачем тогда вообще его тащить в репозиторий, если неизвестно, нужно ли оно и работает ли вообще?
В директории sdk довольно много всего старого и нигде неиспользуемого.

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 16:03
Сообщение #1928

Опытный Геймер

Репутация:   22  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 169
Награды: 2
Регистрация: 19.11.2010

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Поторопился я с выводами, sdk/components юзается в редакторах.
Без борландовского хлама редакторы собрать реально?

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 16:45
Сообщение #1929

Мастер Игры

Репутация:   232  
Группа: Друзья GM
Сообщений: 1299
Награды: 4
Регистрация: 05.03.2012

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СДК ещё вообще не собирал никто.

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 17:03
Сообщение #1930


Репутация:   750  
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Сообщений: 7072
Награды: 4
Регистрация: 30.07.2010

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Цитата(hi_flyer @ 23.08.2014, 17:45) *
СДК ещё вообще не собирал никто.

MegaNub вроде собирал. Только не запускалось.
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 17:16
Сообщение #1931


Репутация:   5  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 82
Награды: 2
Регистрация: 11.07.2014

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========== Build: 16 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 11 skipped ==========
Вообще ни в какие ворота smile.gif Что делать? Раньше же легко все компилилось smile.gif
Полный лог

1>------ Build started: Project: xrCore, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
2>------ Build started: Project: libvorbis_static, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
3>------ Build started: Project: LuaJIT, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:30.
1>  Creating directory "x:\binaries\".
1>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCore\xrCore.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
4>------ Build started: Project: libogg_static, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
1>  stdafx.cpp
4>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:30.
4>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\libogg_static\libogg_static.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
2>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:30.
2>  Creating directory "x:\libraries\".
2>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbis_static\libvorbis_static.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
3>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:30.
2>  analysis.c
3>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\LuaJIT\LuaJIT.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
3>  lapi.c
4>  bitwise.c
2>  bitrate.c
2>  block.c
3>  lauxlib.c
4>  framing.c
2>  codebook.c
3>  lbaselib.c
2>  envelope.c
3>  lcoco.c
2>  floor0.c
2>  floor1.c
2>  info.c
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(72): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(79): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(80): warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(81): warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(103): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(104): warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(122): warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcpy_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>..\..\..\lib\info.c(123): warning C4996: 'strcat': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using strcat_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
2>  lookup.c
2>  lpc.c
2>  lsp.c
2>  mapping0.c
2>  mdct.c
3>  lcode.c
2>  psy.c
3>  ldblib.c
3>  ldebug.c
2>  registry.c
3>  ldo.c
2>  res0.c
3>  ldump.c
2>  sharedbook.c
3>  lfunc.c
2>  smallft.c
2>  synthesis.c
3>  lgc.c
2>  vorbisenc.c
3>  linit.c
3>  liolib.c
3>  ljitlib.c
3>  ljit_backend.c
3>  ljit_core.c
3>  ljit_dasm.c
3>  ljit_mem.c
3>  llex.c
3>  lmathlib.c
1>  FTimer.cpp
1>  xrCore.cpp
2>  Compiling...
2>  window.c
1>  _compressed_normal.cpp
1>  _math.cpp
3>  Compiling...
3>  lmem.c
1>  _sphere.cpp
3>  loadlib.c
1>  cpuid.cpp
3>  lobject.c
1>  _std_extensions.cpp
1>  clsid.cpp
1>  xr_trims.cpp
3>  lopcodes.c
3>  loslib.c
1>  FileSystem.cpp
1>  FileSystem_borland.cpp
3>  lparser.c
3>  lstate.c
3>  lstring.c
3>  lstrlib.c
3>  ltable.c
1>  FS.cpp
2>  libvorbis_static.vcxproj -> x:\libraries\libvorbis_static.lib
2>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbis_static\libvorbis_static.unsuccessfulbuild".
2>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbis_static\libvorbis_static.lastbuildstate".
3>  ltablib.c
2>Build succeeded.
2>Time Elapsed 00:00:13.37
3>  ltm.c
1>  LocatorAPI.cpp
3>  lua.c
3>  lundump.c
5>------ Build started: Project: libvorbisfile, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
3>  lvm.c
5>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:45.
1>  LocatorAPI_auth.cpp
5>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbisfile\libvorbisfile.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
1>  LocatorAPI_defs.cpp
1>  log.cpp
1>  Xr_ini.cpp
1>  stream_reader.cpp
1>  file_stream_reader.cpp
1>  memory_allocation_stats.cpp
5>  vorbisfile.c
3>  lzio.c
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(259): warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(273): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(539): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(566): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(570): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(580): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(642): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(875): warning C4244: 'function' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1013): warning C4996: 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
5>          c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\stdio.h(234) : see declaration of 'fopen'
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1119): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1120): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'double' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1124): warning C4244: 'return' : conversion from 'double' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1152): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'double' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1680): warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'ogg_int64_t' to 'long', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1717): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'ogg_int64_t', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(1747): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'ogg_int64_t', possible loss of data
5>..\..\..\lib\vorbisfile.c(2083): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
1>  Compiling...
1>  memory_usage.cpp
1>  xrMemory.cpp
1>  xrMemory_align.cpp
1>  xrMemory_debug.cpp
1>  xrMemory_POOL.cpp
1>  xrMemory_pso_Copy.cpp
1>  xrMemory_pso_Fill.cpp
1>  xrMemory_pso_Fill32.cpp
1>  xrMemory_subst_borland.cpp
1>  xrMemory_subst_msvc.cpp
1>  xrDebugNew.cpp
1>  crc32.cpp
3>     Creating library x:\libraries\lua5.1.lib and object x:\libraries\lua5.1.exp
3>  Generating code
1>  xr_shared.cpp
1>  xrsharedmem.cpp
1>  xrstring.cpp
1>  memory_monitor.cpp
1>  ppmd_compressor.cpp
1>  rt_compressor.cpp
1>  rt_compressor9.cpp
1>  LzHuf.cpp
1>  Compiling...
1>  rt_lzo1x_1.cpp
1>  rt_lzo1x_9x.cpp
1>  rt_lzo1x_d1.cpp
1>  rt_lzo1x_d2.cpp
1>  rt_lzo1x_d3.cpp
1>  rt_lzo_init.cpp
1>  xrSyncronize.cpp
4>  libogg_static.vcxproj -> x:\libraries\libogg_static.lib
4>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\libogg_static\libogg_static.unsuccessfulbuild".
4>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\libogg_static\libogg_static.lastbuildstate".
4>Build succeeded.
4>Time Elapsed 00:00:20.06
1>  BlackBoxUI.cpp
6>------ Build started: Project: libtheora_static, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
6>Build started 23.08.2014 17:54:51.
6>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\libtheora_static\libtheora_static.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
6>  analyze.c
3>  Finished generating code
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
1>  BSUFunctions.cpp
1>  CrashHandler.cpp
3>  LuaJIT.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\lua5.1.dll
1>  GetLoadedModules.cpp
1>  IsNT.cpp
6>..\..\lib\analyze.c(564): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\analyze.c(1550): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\analyze.c(1589): warning C4018: '>' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\analyze.c(1729): warning C4132: 'OC_MV_ZERO' : const object should be initialized
6>  apiwrapper.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  bitpack.c
1>  NT4ProcessInfo.cpp
1>  TLHELPProcessInfo.cpp
6>..\..\lib\bitpack.c(41): warning C4554: '<<' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\bitpack.c(61): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\bitpack.c(81): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\bitpack.c(100): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>  decapiwrapper.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
1>  Model.cpp
6>  decinfo.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  decode.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  dequant.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  encapiwrapper.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  encfrag.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  encinfo.c
1>  stdafx_.cpp
3>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\LuaJIT\LuaJIT.unsuccessfulbuild".
3>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\LuaJIT\LuaJIT.lastbuildstate".
3>Build succeeded.
3>Time Elapsed 00:00:29.05
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  encode.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
5>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(1151,5): warning MSB8012: TargetPath(x:\libraries\libvorbisfile.lib) does not match the Library's OutputFile property value (x:\libraries\libvorbisfile_static.lib). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Lib.OutputFile).
5>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppBuild.targets(1153,5): warning MSB8012: TargetName(libvorbisfile) does not match the Library's OutputFile property value (libvorbisfile_static). This may cause your project to build incorrectly. To correct this, please make sure that $(OutDir), $(TargetName) and $(TargetExt) property values match the value specified in %(Lib.OutputFile).
5>  libvorbisfile_static.vcxproj -> x:\libraries\libvorbisfile.lib
5>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbisfile\libvorbisfile.unsuccessfulbuild".
5>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\libvorbisfile\libvorbisfile.lastbuildstate".
5>Build succeeded.
5>Time Elapsed 00:00:15.03
7>------ Build started: Project: nvtt, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
8>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrQSlim, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
8>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
9>------ Build started: Project: ode, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
7>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:00.
7>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\nvtt\nvtt.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
9>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:01.
9>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\ode\ode.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
7>  Debug.cpp
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(577): warning C4389: '!=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(973): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(973): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(982): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(982): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1323): warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1433): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1442): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1444): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1451): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\encode.c(1453): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>  enquant.c
9>  array.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  fdct.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
9>  Bounder33.cpp
6>  fragment.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  huffdec.c
9>  collision_kernel.cpp
7>  Library.cpp
7>  Memory.cpp
7>  Radix.cpp
7>  StrLib.cpp
7>  TextReader.cpp
7>  TextWriter.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  huffenc.c
9>  collision_space.cpp
9>  collision_transform.cpp
9>  collision_util.cpp
9>  de_padf_integration.cpp
9>  error.cpp
9>  export-dif.cpp
7>  Tokenizer.cpp
6>..\..\lib\huffenc.c(865): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>  idct.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  info.c
9>  joint.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  internal.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  mathops.c
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(180): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(188): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(196): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(197): warning C4554: '<<' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(221): warning C4554: '<<' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(227): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(227): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(257): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(258): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(265): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(266): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(273): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(274): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(281): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(282): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(289): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(290): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>..\..\lib\mathops.c(293): warning C4554: '>>' : check operator precedence for possible error; use parentheses to clarify precedence
6>  Compiling...
6>  mcenc.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(126): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(127): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(128): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(129): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(130): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(131): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\mcenc.c(632): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>  quant.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  rate.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(267): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(364): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(384): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(488): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(929): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(1076): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(1076): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(1111): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>..\..\lib\rate.c(1111): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>  state.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\state.c(509): warning C4389: '!=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
6>  tokenize.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  mmxencfrag.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxencfrag.c(73): warning C4405: 'ret' : identifier is reserved word
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxencfrag.c(170): warning C4405: 'ret' : identifier is reserved word
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxencfrag.c(476): warning C4101: 'ret2' : unreferenced local variable
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxencfrag.c(710): warning C4101: 'ret2' : unreferenced local variable
6>  mmxfrag.c
9>  lcp.cpp
1>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrCore.lib and object x:\libraries\xrCore.exp
1>  Generating code
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxfrag.c(37): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>  mmxidct.c
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>  mmxstate.c
7>src\nvcore\Tokenizer.cpp(121): warning C4996: 'sscanf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using sscanf_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
7>          c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\stdio.h(325) : see declaration of 'sscanf'
7>  BlockDXT.cpp
9>  mass.cpp
9>  mat.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxstate.c(130): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxstate.c(190): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxstate.c(191): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxstate.c(193): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>..\..\lib\x86_vc\mmxstate.c(196): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>  x86enc.c
9>  matrix.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
9>  memory.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(157): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(163): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(171): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(174): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(178): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(193): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(206): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>  x86state.c
9>  misc.cpp
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(200): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(201): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../internal.h(202): warning C4214: nonstandard extension used : bit field types other than int
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(157): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(163): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(171): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(174): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(178): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(193): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
6>x:\trunk\3rd party\xiph\libtheora\lib\x86_vc\../cpu.c(206): warning C4127: conditional exp​ression is constant
7>  ColorBlock.cpp
9>  obstack.cpp
9>  ode.cpp
7>  DirectDrawSurface.cpp
9>  odemath.cpp
9>  quickstep.cpp
7>  Filter.cpp
7>  FloatImage.cpp
7>  HoleFilling.cpp
9>  Compiling...
9>  rotation.cpp
9>  step.cpp
9>  stepfast.cpp
7>  Image.cpp
9>  StepJointInternal.cpp
7>  ImageIO.cpp
9>  testing.cpp
7>  NormalMap.cpp
9>  timer.cpp
7>  NormalMipmap.cpp
7>  Quantize.cpp
9>  util.cpp
7>  Basis.cpp
6>  libtheora_static.vcxproj -> x:\libraries\libtheora_static.lib
6>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\libtheora_static\libtheora_static.unsuccessfulbuild".
6>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\libtheora_static\libtheora_static.lastbuildstate".
6>Build succeeded.
6>Time Elapsed 00:00:22.01
10>------ Build started: Project: xrD3D9-Null, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
10>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:13.
10>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrD3D9-Null\xrD3D9-Null.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
7>  Compiling...
7>  Montecarlo.cpp
9>  collision_quadtreespace.cpp
10>  stdafx.cpp
1>  Finished generating code
7>  Plane.cpp
9>  collision_std.cpp
7>  Random.cpp
7>  SphericalHarmonic.cpp
7>  Triangle.cpp
9>  fastdot.c
9>  fastldlt.c
7>  TriBox.cpp
9>  fastlsolve.c
7>  CompressDXT.cpp
9>  fastltsolve.c
10>  xrD3D9-Null.cpp
9>     Creating library x:\libraries\ode.lib and object x:\libraries\ode.exp
9>  Generating code
10>  xrD3D9-Null_OutProc.cpp
10>  IDirect3D9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DDevice9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DDevice9_Caps.cpp
10>  IDirect3DQuery9.cpp
7>  CompressionOptions.cpp
10>  IDirect3DSurface9.cpp
7>  Compressor.cpp
10>  IDirect3DIndexBuffer9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DVertexBuffer9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DTexture9.cpp
7>  CompressRGB.cpp
7>  CudaCompressDXT.cpp
10>  IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DVertexShader9.cpp
7>  CudaUtils.cpp
7>  InputOptions.cpp
10>  IDirect3DPixelShader9.cpp
10>  IDirect3DStateBlock9.cpp
7>  nvtt.cpp
7>  nvtt_wrapper.cpp
10>  IDirect3DCubeTexture9.cpp
7>  OptimalCompressDXT.cpp
7>  OutputOptions.cpp
7>  QuickCompressDXT.cpp
1>  xrCore.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrCore.dll
7>  alpha.cpp
1>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCore\xrCore.unsuccessfulbuild".
1>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCore\xrCore.lastbuildstate".
1>Build succeeded.
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:53.48
11>------ Build started: Project: xrCDB, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
11>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:23.
11>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCDB\xrCDB.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
10>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrD3D9-Null.lib and object x:\libraries\xrD3D9-Null.exp
10>  Generating code
10>  Finished generating code
10>  xrD3D9-Null.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrD3D9-Null.dll
10>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrD3D9-Null\xrD3D9-Null.unsuccessfulbuild".
10>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrD3D9-Null\xrD3D9-Null.lastbuildstate".
10>Build succeeded.
10>Time Elapsed 00:00:11.15
12>------ Build started: Project: Luabind, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
12>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:25.
12>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\Luabind\Luabind.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
7>  clusterfit.cpp
11>  StdAfx.cpp
11>  Compiling on Windows...
11>  Compiling with VC++...
7>  Compiling...
7>  colourblock.cpp
12>  class.cpp
7>  colourfit.cpp
7>  colourset.cpp
7>  fastclusterfit.cpp
11>  Frustum.cpp
11>  xrCDB.cpp
7>  maths.cpp
11>  xrCDB_box.cpp
7>  rangefit.cpp
11>  xrCDB_Collector.cpp
11>  xrCDB_frustum.cpp
11>  xrCDB_ray.cpp
7>  singlechannelfit.cpp
11>  OPC_AABB.cpp
11>  OPC_AABBCollider.cpp
7>  singlecolourfit.cpp
11>  OPC_AABBTree.cpp
11>  OPC_Collider.cpp
11>  OPC_Common.cpp
11>  OPC_Container.cpp
11>  OPC_Matrix3x3.cpp
11>  OPC_Matrix4x4.cpp
11>  OPC_Model.cpp
11>  OPC_OBB.cpp
11>  OPC_OBBCollider.cpp
11>  OPC_OptimizedTree.cpp
7>  squish.cpp
11>  OPC_Plane.cpp
11>  OPC_PlanesCollider.cpp
7>  weightedclusterfit.cpp
11>  Compiling...
11>  OPC_Point.cpp
11>  OPC_Ray.cpp
11>  OPC_RayCollider.cpp
11>  OPC_SphereCollider.cpp
11>  OPC_TreeBuilders.cpp
11>  OPC_TreeCollider.cpp
11>  OPC_Triangle.cpp
11>  OPC_VolumeCollider.cpp
11>  Opcode.cpp
7>  posh.c
7>  nvtt.vcxproj -> x:\libraries\nvtt.lib
7>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\nvtt\nvtt.unsuccessfulbuild".
7>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\nvtt\nvtt.lastbuildstate".
7>Build succeeded.
7>Time Elapsed 00:00:31.65
13>------ Build started: Project: xrParticles, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
13>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:32.
13>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrParticles\xrParticles.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
11>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrCDB.lib and object x:\libraries\xrCDB.exp
11>  Generating code
13>  stdafx.cpp
11>  Finished generating code
11>  xrCDB.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrCDB.dll
11>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCDB\xrCDB.unsuccessfulbuild".
11>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCDB\xrCDB.lastbuildstate".
11>Build succeeded.
11>Time Elapsed 00:00:13.45
13>  noise.cpp
13>  particle_actions.cpp
13>  particle_actions_collection.cpp
14>------ Build started: Project: xrSound, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
13>  particle_actions_collection_io.cpp
13>  particle_core.cpp
13>  particle_effect.cpp
13>  particle_manager.cpp
14>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:38.
14>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrSound\xrSound.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
14>  stdafx.cpp
13>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrParticles.lib and object x:\libraries\xrParticles.exp
13>  Generating code
13>  Finished generating code
13>  xrParticles.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrParticles.dll
13>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrParticles\xrParticles.unsuccessfulbuild".
13>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrParticles\xrParticles.lastbuildstate".
13>Build succeeded.
13>Time Elapsed 00:00:08.86
15>------ Build started: Project: xrXMLParser, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
15>Build started 23.08.2014 17:55:41.
15>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
15>  StdAfx.cpp
14>  guids.cpp
14>  sound.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Core.cpp
15>  xrXMLParser.cpp
15>  tinystr.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Core_Processor.cpp
15>  tinyxml.cpp
15>  tinyxmlerror.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Core_SourceManager.cpp
15>  tinyxmlparser.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Core_StartStop.cpp
14>  OpenALDeviceList.cpp
14>  SoundRender_CoreA.cpp
14>  SoundRender_CoreD.cpp
9>  Finished generating code
14>  SoundRender_Emitter.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Emitter_FSM.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Emitter_StartStop.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Emitter_streamer.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Source.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Source_loader.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Target.cpp
14>  SoundRender_TargetA.cpp
14>  SoundRender_TargetA.cpp(162) :  TODO :   "check why pEmitter is NULL"
14>  SoundRender_TargetD.cpp
14>  SoundRender_TargetD.cpp(186) :  TODO :   "check why pEmitter is NULL"
14>  SoundRender_Environment.cpp
14>  SoundRender_Cache.cpp
14>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrSound.lib and object x:\libraries\xrSound.exp
14>MSVCRT.lib(cinitexe.obj) : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'libcmt.lib' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
14>  Generating code
12>  class_info.cpp
12>  class_registry.cpp
14>  Finished generating code
14>  xrSound.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrSound.dll
14>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrSound\xrSound.unsuccessfulbuild".
14>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrSound\xrSound.lastbuildstate".
14>Build succeeded.
14>Time Elapsed 00:00:23.45
16>------ Build started: Project: xrNetServer, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
16>Build started 23.08.2014 17:56:02.
16>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrNetServer\xrNetServer.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
16>  stdafx.cpp
12>  class_rep.cpp
12>  create_class.cpp
16>  NET_Client.cpp
12>  error.cpp
12>  find_best_match.cpp
16>  NET_Common.cpp
16>  NET_Compressor.cpp
12>  function.cpp
16>  NET_Log.cpp
16>  NET_Server.cpp
12>  implicit_cast.cpp
16>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrNetServer.lib and object x:\libraries\xrNetServer.exp
16>  Generating code
16>  Finished generating code
16>  xrNetServer.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrNetServer.dll
16>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrNetServer\xrNetServer.unsuccessfulbuild".
16>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrNetServer\xrNetServer.lastbuildstate".
16>Build succeeded.
16>Time Elapsed 00:00:18.94
12>  link_compatibility.cpp
17>------ Skipped Build: Project: DXT, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
17>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
18>------ Skipped Build: Project: ETools, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
18>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
19>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrCompress, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
19>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
20>------ Build started: Project: xrGameSpy, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
20>Build started 23.08.2014 17:56:21.
20>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrGameSpy\xrGameSpy.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
20>  stdafx.cpp
12>  object.cpp
20>  DistributionFunc.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy.cpp
12>  object_rep.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_ServerBrowser.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_Available.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_QR2.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_CDKey.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_Patching.cpp
20>  xrGameSpy_HTTP.cpp
20>  darray.c
20>  hashtable.c
20>  md5c.c
20>  gsAvailable.c
12>  open.cpp
20>  gsCrypt.c
20>  gsLargeInt.c
20>  gsRC4.c
20>  gsSHA1.c
20>  gsSSL.c
20>  gsStringUtil.c
20>  gsXML.c
20>  gsSocketWin32.c
20>  qr2.c
20>  qr2regkeys.c
12>  pcall.cpp
20>  sb_crypt.c
20>  sb_queryengine.c
20>  sb_server.c
20>  sb_serverbrowsing.c
20>  sb_serverlist.c
12>  ref.cpp
20>  gcdkeys.c
20>  Compiling...
20>  ptMain.c
12>  scope.cpp
20>  ghttpBuffer.c
20>  ghttpCallbacks.c
20>  ghttpCommon.c
20>  ghttpConnection.c
12>  stack_content_by_name.cpp
20>  ghttpEncryption.c
20>  ghttpMain.c
20>  ghttpPost.c
20>  ghttpProcess.c
20>  nonport.c
12>  weak_ref.cpp
20>  gcdkeyc.c
20>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrGameSpy.lib and object x:\libraries\xrGameSpy.exp
20>  Generating code
12>  wrapper_base.cpp
20>  Finished generating code
20>  xrGameSpy.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrGameSpy.dll
20>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrGameSpy\xrGameSpy.unsuccessfulbuild".
20>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrGameSpy\xrGameSpy.lastbuildstate".
20>Build succeeded.
20>Time Elapsed 00:00:13.70
21>------ Skipped Build: Project: Stalker_net, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
21>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
22>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrDO_Light, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
22>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
23>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrStatisticConvert, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
23>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
24>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrCoreStatic, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
24>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
25>------ Skipped Build: Project: LWO, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
25>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
26>------ Build started: Project: xrLC, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
26>Build started 23.08.2014 17:56:35.
26>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrLC\xrLC.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
26>  StdAfx.cpp
9>  default.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\ode.dll
9>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\ode\ode.unsuccessfulbuild".
9>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\ode\ode.lastbuildstate".
9>Build succeeded.
9>Time Elapsed 00:01:38.07
15>     Creating library x:\libraries\xrXMLParser.lib and object x:\libraries\xrXMLParser.exp
15>  Generating code
15>  Finished generating code
12>     Creating library x:\libraries\luabind.lib and object x:\libraries\luabind.exp
12>  Generating code
26>  xrLC.cpp
26>  xrThread.cpp
26>  cl_log.cpp
26>  cl_collector.cpp
26>  NvTriStrip.cpp
26>  NvTriStripObjects.cpp
26>  VertexCache.cpp
26>  nv_algebra.cpp
12>  Finished generating code
26>  NVMeshMender.cpp
26>  Build.cpp
15>  xrXMLParser.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\xrXMLParser.dll
15>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.unsuccessfulbuild".
15>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\xrXMLParser\xrXMLParser.lastbuildstate".
15>Build succeeded.
15>Time Elapsed 00:01:02.95
12>  Luabind.vcxproj -> x:\binaries\luabind.dll
26>  Build_Load.cpp
12>  Deleting file "x:\intermediate\Release\Luabind\Luabind.unsuccessfulbuild".
12>  Touching "x:\intermediate\Release\Luabind\Luabind.lastbuildstate".
12>Build succeeded.
12>Time Elapsed 00:01:19.33
27>------ Build started: Project: XR_3DA, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
28>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrSE_Factory, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
28>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
29>------ Skipped Build: Project: xrAI, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
29>Project not selected to build for this solution configuration
27>Build started 23.08.2014 17:56:44.
27>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\XR_3DA\XR_3DA.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
26>  Sector.cpp
27>  stdafx.cpp
26>  xrBuildCForm.cpp
26>  xrBuildRapidModel.cpp
26>  xrCalcNormals.cpp
26>  xrFlex2OGF.cpp
26>  xrLight.cpp
26>  xrLight_Implicit.cpp
26>  xrOptimizeCFORM_qslim.cpp
26>  xrPhase_AdaptiveHT.cpp
26>  Compiling...
26>  xrPhase_AdaptiveHT_qslim.cpp
26>  xrPhase_GI.cpp
26>  xrPhase_MergeGeometry.cpp
26>  xrPhase_MergeLM.cpp
26>  xrPhase_MergeLM_Surface.cpp
26>  xrPhase_ResolveMaterials.cpp
26>  xrPhase_Subdivide.cpp
26>  xrPhase_TangentBasis.cpp
26>  xrPhase_UVmap.cpp
26>  xrPreOptimize.cpp
26>  xrSaveLights.cpp
26>  xrSaveOGF.cpp
26>  xrSectors.cpp
26>  xrT_Junction.cpp
27>  defines.cpp
27>  lua_tools.cpp
26>  Lightmap.cpp
26>  xrDeflectoL_Direct.cpp
26>  xrDeflector.cpp
27>  x_ray.cpp
26>  xrDeflectorLight.cpp
26>  xrImage_Filter.cpp
26>  xrImage_Resampler.cpp
26>  Compiling...
26>  fmesh.cpp
26>  OGF_Face.cpp
26>  OGF_Face_Save.cpp
27>x_ray.cpp(129): warning C4995: 'strlen': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
26>  OGF_Face_Sphere.cpp
27>  x_ray.cpp(1076) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
26>  OGF_Face_Stripify.cpp
27>  IInputReceiver.cpp
27>  Xr_input.cpp
26>  xrFace.cpp
27>  ISheduled.cpp
26>  xrLoadSurface.cpp
26>  tga.cpp
27>  xrSheduler.cpp
27>xrSheduler.cpp(308): warning C4509: nonstandard extension used: 'CSheduler::ProcessStep' uses SEH and 'T' has destructor
27>          xrSheduler.cpp(291) : see declaration of 'T'
27>xrSheduler.cpp(322): warning C4509: nonstandard extension used: 'CSheduler::ProcessStep' uses SEH and 'T' has destructor
27>          xrSheduler.cpp(291) : see declaration of 'T'
26>  fitter.cpp
27>xrSheduler.cpp(350): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>xrSheduler.cpp(458): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>  IRenderable.cpp
27>  Render.cpp
27>  ISpatial.cpp
27>  ISpatial_q_box.cpp
27>  ISpatial_q_frustum.cpp
27>  ISpatial_q_ray.cpp
27>  ISpatial_verify.cpp
27>  ICollidable.cpp
27>  IGame_Level.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Calc_faceopacity.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Calc_lighting.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Calc_materials.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Calc_normals.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Calc_ogf.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_export_cform_game.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_export_cform_rcast.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_export_geometry.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_export_OGF.cpp
27>  IGame_Level_check_textures.cpp
26>  xrMU_Model_Load.cpp
27>  IGame_Persistent.cpp
27>  IGame_ObjectPool.cpp
26>  Creating directory "x:\intermediate\Release\ETools\".
26>  Creating directory "x:\intermediate\Release\xrQSlim\".
26>  Creating directory "x:\intermediate\Release\DXT\".
27>  pure_relcase.cpp
26>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'x:\libraries\ETools.lib'
26>Build FAILED.
26>Time Elapsed 00:00:24.40
27>  Compiling...
27>  xr_object.cpp
27>  xr_object_list.cpp
27>  CustomHUD.cpp
27>  Environment.cpp
27>  Environment_misc.cpp
27>  Environment_render.cpp
27>  xrHemisphere.cpp
27>  Rain.cpp
27>  thunderbolt.cpp
27>  xr_efflensflare.cpp
27>  CameraBase.cpp
27>  CameraManager.cpp
27>  Effector.cpp
27>  EffectorPP.cpp
27>  xr_area.cpp
27>  xr_area_query.cpp
27>  xr_area_raypick.cpp
27>  xr_collide_form.cpp
27>  Envelope.cpp
27>  interp.cpp
27>  Compiling...
27>  motion.cpp
27>  ObjectAnimator.cpp
27>  Feel_Touch.cpp
27>  Feel_Vision.cpp
27>  FDemoPlay.cpp
27>  FDemoRecord.cpp
27>  FBasicVisual.cpp
27>  FHierrarhyVisual.cpp
27>  fmesh.cpp
27>  ParticleCustom.cpp
27>  SkeletonAnimated.cpp
27>  SkeletonCustom.cpp
27>  SkeletonCustom.cpp(241) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
27>  SkeletonCustom.cpp(370) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
27>  SkeletonCustom.cpp(374) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
27>  SkeletonMotions.cpp
27>  SkeletonRigid.cpp
27>  Frustum.cpp
27>  PS_instance.cpp
27>  LightAnimLibrary.cpp
27>  GameFont.cpp
27>  MbHelpers.cpp
27>  device.cpp
27>device.cpp(281): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>  Compiling...
27>  Device_create.cpp
27>  Device_destroy.cpp
27>  Device_Initialize.cpp
27>  Device_Misc.cpp
27>  Device_overdraw.cpp
27>  Device_wndproc.cpp
27>  StatGraph.cpp
27>  Stats.cpp
27>Stats.cpp(215): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>Stats.cpp(234): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>Stats.cpp(239): error C2039: 'cycles' : is not a member of 'CStatTimer'
27>          x:\trunk\xray\xrcore\FTimer.h(161) : see declaration of 'CStatTimer'
27>  HW.cpp
27>  HW.cpp(99) :  TODO :   "R2 need to specify depth format"
27>HW.cpp(414): warning C4018: '<=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
27>  HWCaps.cpp
27>  xr_effgamma.cpp
27>  Blender.cpp
27>  Blender_Palette.cpp
27>  Blender_Recorder.cpp
27>  Blender_Recorder_R2.cpp
27>  Blender_Recorder_StandartBinding.cpp
27>  tss_def.cpp
27>  tntQAVI.cpp
27>  xrImage_Resampler.cpp
27>  xrTheora_Stream.cpp
27>  Compiling...
27>  xrTheora_Surface.cpp
27>  xrTheora_Surface_mmx.cpp
27>  ETextureParams.cpp
27>  ResourceManager.cpp
27>  ResourceManager_Loader.cpp
27>  ResourceManager_Reset.cpp
27>  ResourceManager_Reset.cpp(55) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
27>  ResourceManager_Reset.cpp(63) :  TODO :   "container is created in stack!"
27>  ResourceManager_Resources.cpp
27>  ResourceManager_Scripting.cpp
27>  TextureDescrManager.cpp
27>  r_constants.cpp
27>  SH_Atomic.cpp
27>  SH_Constant.cpp
27>  SH_Matrix.cpp
27>  SH_RT.cpp
27>  SH_Texture.cpp
27>  Shader.cpp
27>  r_constants_cache.cpp
27>  Text_Console.cpp
27>  Text_Console_WndProc.cpp
27>  D3DUtils.cpp
27>  Compiling...
27>  du_box.cpp
27>  du_cone.cpp
27>  du_cylinder.cpp
27>  du_sphere.cpp
27>  du_sphere_part.cpp
27>  R_Backend.cpp
27>  R_Backend_DBG.cpp
27>  R_Backend_Runtime.cpp
27>  R_Backend_xform.cpp
27>  R_DStreams.cpp
27>  pure.cpp
27>  xrXRC.cpp
27>  xr_ioc_cmd.cpp
27>  XR_IOConsole.cpp
27>  Engine.cpp
27>  EngineAPI.cpp
27>  EventAPI.cpp
27>  mailSlot.cpp
27>  _scripting.cpp
27>  ai_script_lua_debug.cpp
27>  Compiling...
27>  ai_script_lua_extension.cpp
27>  perlin.cpp
27>Build FAILED.
27>Time Elapsed 00:00:51.14
30>------ Build started: Project: xrCPU_Pipe, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
30>Build started 23.08.2014 17:57:36.
30>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrCPU_Pipe\xrCPU_Pipe.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
30>  StdAfx.cpp
30>  xrCPU_Pipe.cpp
30>  3DNow!Lib.cpp
30>  xrM44mul_3DNow!.cpp
30>  xrMemCopy8_3DNow!.cpp
30>  xrMemFill32_3DNow!.cpp
30>  xrQuatSlerp.cpp
30>  xrSkin1W.cpp
30>  xrSkin2W.cpp
30>  xrTransfer.cpp
30>  xrM44mul.cpp
30>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'xr_3DA.lib'
30>Build FAILED.
30>Time Elapsed 00:00:04.31
31>------ Build started: Project: xrRender_R2, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
32>------ Build started: Project: xrRender_R1, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
33>------ Build started: Project: xrGame, Configuration: Release Win32 ------
31>Build started 23.08.2014 17:57:40.
32>Build started 23.08.2014 17:57:40.
33>Build started 23.08.2014 17:57:40.
31>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrRender_R2\xrRender_R2.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
32>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrRender_R1\xrRender_R1.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
33>  Creating "x:\intermediate\Release\xrGame\xrGame.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
31>  stdafx.cpp
32>  stdafx.cpp
33>  pch_script.cpp
31>  xrRender_console.cpp
32>  xrRender_console.cpp
32>  xrRender_R1.cpp
31>  xrRender_R2.cpp
32>  FStaticRender.cpp
31>  PSLibrary.cpp
31>  r2.cpp
32>  FStaticRender_Blenders.cpp
31>  r2_blenders.cpp
31>  r2_loader.cpp
32>  FStaticRender_DetectSector.cpp
32>  FStaticRender_Loader.cpp
33>  StdAfx.cpp
31>  r2_R_calculate.cpp
32>  FStaticRender_RenderTarget.cpp
31>  r2_R_lights.cpp
32>  PSLibrary.cpp
32>  r__dsgraph_build.cpp
31>  r2_R_render.cpp
31>  r2_R_sun.cpp
32>  r__dsgraph_render.cpp
31>  r2_sector_detect.cpp
32>  r__dsgraph_render_lods.cpp
31>  r2_test_hw.cpp
31>  r__dsgraph_build.cpp
32>  r__screenshot.cpp
32>  Texture.cpp
31>  r__dsgraph_render.cpp
32>  tga.cpp
32>  DetailManager.cpp
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager.cpp(260): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager.cpp(261): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>  DetailManager_CACHE.cpp
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(19): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(20): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(74): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(76): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(98): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(101): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(109): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(124): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(135): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(138): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(182): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(183): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
32>  DetailManager_Decompress.cpp
31>  r__dsgraph_render_lods.cpp
32>  DetailManager_soft.cpp
31>  r__occlusion.cpp
32>  DetailManager_VS.cpp
31>  r__pixel_calculator.cpp
31>  r__screenshot.cpp
31>  Texture.cpp
32>  DetailModel.cpp
31>  tga.cpp
31>  Compiling...
31>  DetailManager.cpp
32>  Compiling...
32>  NvTriStrip.cpp
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager.cpp(260): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager.cpp(261): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>  DetailManager_CACHE.cpp
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(19): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(20): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(74): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(76): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(98): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(101): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(109): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(124): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(135): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(138): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(182): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>..\xrRender\DetailManager_CACHE.cpp(183): warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
31>  DetailManager_Decompress.cpp
32>  NvTriStripObjects.cpp
31>  DetailManager_soft.cpp
31>  DetailManager_VS.cpp
31>  DetailModel.cpp
32>  VertexCache.cpp
31>  NvTriStrip.cpp
32>  xrStripify.cpp
32>  GlowManager.cpp
31>  NvTriStripObjects.cpp
33>  damage_manager.cpp
32>  WallmarksEngine.cpp
31>  VertexCache.cpp
33>  raypick.cpp
31>  xrStripify.cpp
31>  light.cpp
31>  ..\xrRender\light.cpp(58) :  TODO :   "Only shadowed spot implements projective texture"
31>  Light_DB.cpp
31>  light_GI.cpp
32>  Blender_Blur.cpp
32>  Blender_BmmD.cpp
31>  Light_Package.cpp
32>  Blender_default_aref.cpp
32>  Blender_detail_still.cpp
31>  Light_Render_Direct.cpp
31>  Light_Render_Direct_ComputeXFS.cpp
31>  light_smapvis.cpp
31>  light_vis.cpp
32>  Blender_Editor_Selection.cpp
32>  Blender_Editor_Wire.cpp
32>  Blender_LaEmB.cpp
31>  LightTrack.cpp
32>  Blender_Lm(EbB).cpp
31>  WallmarksEngine.cpp
32>  Blender_Model.cpp
32>  Blender_Model_EbB.cpp
32>  Blender_Particle.cpp
32>  Blender_Screen_GRAY.cpp
32>  Blender_Screen_SET.cpp
32>  Blender_Shadow_World.cpp
31>  Compiling...
31>  blender_bloom_build.cpp
31>  Blender_BmmD.cpp
31>  blender_combine.cpp
31>  blender_deffer_aref.cpp
31>  blender_deffer_flat.cpp
31>  blender_deffer_model.cpp
32>  Compiling...
32>  Blender_tree.cpp
31>  Blender_Editor_Selection.cpp
32>  Blender_Vertex.cpp
31>  Blender_Editor_Wire.cpp
31>  blender_light_direct.cpp
31>  blender_light_mask.cpp
32>  Blender_Vertex_aref.cpp
31>  blender_light_occq.cpp
32>  BlenderDefault.cpp
31>  blender_light_point.cpp
32>  ModelPool.cpp
31>  blender_light_reflected.cpp
31>  blender_light_spot.cpp
31>  blender_luminance.cpp
31>  Blender_Particle.cpp
31>  uber_deffer.cpp
31>  Blender_detail_still.cpp
31>  Blender_Lm(EbB).cpp
31>  Blender_Model_EbB.cpp
32>  FLOD.cpp
32>  FProgressive.cpp
32>  FSkinned.cpp
33>raypick.cpp(10): warning C4482: nonstandard extension used: enum 'collide::rq_target' used in qualified name
32>  FTreeVisual.cpp
31>  Compiling...
31>  Blender_Screen_SET.cpp
31>  Blender_tree.cpp
32>  FVisual.cpp
31>  ModelPool.cpp
32>  ParticleEffect.cpp
32>  ParticleEffectDef.cpp
33>  script_additional_libs.cpp
32>  ParticleGroup.cpp
31>  FLOD.cpp
32>  r__sector.cpp
31>  FProgressive.cpp
31>  FSkinned.cpp
33>  material_manager.cpp
32>  r__sector_traversal.cpp
31>  FTreeVisual.cpp
31>  FVisual.cpp
32>  HOM.cpp
31>  ParticleEffect.cpp
31>  ParticleEffectDef.cpp
31>  ParticleGroup.cpp
32>  occRasterizer.cpp
32>  occRasterizer_core.cpp
31>  r__sector.cpp
31>  r__sector_traversal.cpp
31>  HOM.cpp
32>  light.cpp
32>  Light_DB.cpp
31>  occRasterizer.cpp
31>  occRasterizer_core.cpp
31>  du_sphere_part.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_direct.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_omnipart_geom.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_point.cpp
32>  Compiling...
32>  Light_Package.cpp
32>  LightPPA.cpp
32>  LightProjector.cpp
32>  LightShadows.cpp
31>  Compiling...
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_point_geom.cpp
32>  LightTrack.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_reflected.cpp
32>  doug_lea_memory_allocator.c
33>  item_manager.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_spot.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_accum_spot_geom.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_draw_volume.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_enable_scissor.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_accumulator.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_bloom.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_combine.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_luminance.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_occq.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_PP.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_scene.cpp
32>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'x:\libraries\xrCPU_Pipe.lib'
32>Build FAILED.
32>Time Elapsed 00:00:34.46
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_smap_D.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_smap_S.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget_phase_smap_S.cpp(24) :  TODO :   "can optimize for multi-lights covering more than say 50%..."
31>  doug_lea_memory_allocator.c
33>  danger_object.cpp
31>  r2_rendertarget.cpp
33>  visual_memory_params.cpp
33>  vision_client.cpp
31>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'x:\libraries\xrCPU_Pipe.lib'
31>Build FAILED.
31>Time Elapsed 00:00:36.33
33>  movement_manager_game.cpp
33>  movement_manager_level.cpp
33>  movement_manager_physic.cpp
33>  movement_manager_physic.cpp(155) :  TODO :   "Dima to ? : is this correct?"
33>  location_manager.cpp
33>  detail_path_manager.cpp
33>  detail_path_manager_smooth.cpp
33>  restricted_object.cpp
33>  object_handler_planner.cpp
33>  object_handler_planner.cpp(219) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : safe, but not optimal!"
33>  object_handler_planner.cpp(230) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : safe, but not optimal!"
33>  object_handler_planner_missile.cpp
33>  object_handler_planner_weapon.cpp
33>  object_actions.cpp
33>  object_property_evaluators.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  sight_manager.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  sight_action.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  sound_player.cpp
33>  sound_collection_storage.cpp
33>  space_restriction_manager.cpp
33>  space_restriction.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\space_restriction_bridge_inline.h(26) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : _Warning : this place can be optimized in case of a slowdown"
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\space_restriction_bridge_inline.h(26) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : _Warning : this place can be optimized in case of a slowdown"
33>  space_restriction_holder.cpp
33>  space_restriction_base.cpp
33>  space_restriction_bridge.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\space_restriction_bridge_inline.h(26) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : _Warning : this place can be optimized in case of a slowdown"
33>  space_restriction_composition.cpp
33>  space_restriction_shape.cpp
33>  step_manager.cpp
33>  cover_manager.cpp
33>  dbg_draw_frustum.cpp
33>  ef_primary.cpp
33>  ef_primary.cpp(214) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Implement relation function"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(220) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Implement greed function"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(226) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Implement aggressiveness function"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(232) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Implement enemy equipment cost function"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(258) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Implement enemy anomality function"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(334) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Append ItemDeterioration with non-ALife non-weapon branch"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(348) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Append EquipmentPreference with non-ALife branch"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(374) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Append MainWeaponPreference with non-ALife branch"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(427) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Append ItemValue with non-ALife branch"
33>  ef_primary.cpp(441) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Append WeaponAmmoCount with non-ALife branch"
33>  ef_pattern.cpp
33>  ef_storage.cpp
33>  agent_manager.cpp
33>  agent_corpse_manager.cpp
33>  agent_explosive_manager.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  danger_explosive.cpp
33>  agent_location_manager.cpp
33>  danger_location.cpp
33>  danger_cover_location.cpp
33>  danger_object_location.cpp
33>  agent_member_manager.cpp
33>  agent_memory_manager.cpp
33>  agent_manager_planner.cpp
33>  agent_manager_actions.cpp
33>  alife_space.cpp
33>  alife_interaction_manager.cpp
33>  alife_communication_manager.cpp
33>  alife_combat_manager.cpp
33>  alife_anomalous_zone.cpp
33>  alife_creature_abstract.cpp
33>  alife_dynamic_object.cpp
33>  alife_human_abstract.cpp
33>  alife_human_brain.cpp
33>  alife_human_object_handler.cpp
33>  alife_group_abstract.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  alife_monster_abstract.cpp
33>  alife_monster_base.cpp
33>  alife_monster_brain.cpp
33>  alife_monster_movement_manager.cpp
33>  alife_monster_detail_path_manager.cpp
33>  alife_monster_patrol_path_manager.cpp
33>  alife_object.cpp
33>  alife_online_offline_group.cpp
33>  alife_online_offline_group_brain.cpp
33>  alife_smart_zone.cpp
33>  alife_trader.cpp
33>  alife_trader.cpp(23) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : correct price for non-artefact objects"
33>  alife_trader.cpp(29) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : optimize this cycle by keeping additional data structure with bought items"
33>  alife_trader_abstract.cpp
33>  alife_simulator_base.cpp
33>  alife_simulator_base2.cpp
33>  alife_simulator_header.cpp
33>  alife_graph_registry.cpp
33>  alife_group_registry.cpp
33>  alife_object_registry.cpp
33>  alife_schedule_registry.cpp
33>  alife_smart_terrain_registry.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  alife_spawn_registry.cpp
33>  alife_spawn_registry_spawn.cpp
33>  alife_spawn_registry_header.cpp
33>  server_entity_wrapper.cpp
33>  alife_story_registry.cpp
33>  alife_registry_container.cpp
33>  alife_smart_terrain_task.cpp
33>  alife_time_manager.cpp
33>  alife_storage_manager.cpp
33>  alife_surge_manager.cpp
33>  alife_switch_manager.cpp
33>  saved_game_wrapper.cpp
33>  CustomMonster_VCPU.cpp
33>  script_object.cpp
33>  base_monster.cpp
33>  base_monster_anim.cpp
33>  base_monster_debug.cpp
33>  base_monster_misc.cpp
33>  base_monster_net.cpp
33>  base_monster_path.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  base_monster_startup.cpp
33>  base_monster_think.cpp
33>  ai_monster_utils.cpp
33>  monster_corpse_manager.cpp
33>  monster_enemy_manager.cpp
33>  ai_monster_bones.cpp
33>  monster_corpse_memory.cpp
33>  monster_hit_memory.cpp
33>  monster_sound_memory.cpp
33>  ai_monster_squad.cpp
33>  ai_monster_squad_attack.cpp
33>  ai_monster_squad_rest.cpp
33>  ai_monster_squad_manager.cpp
33>  ai_monster_motion_stats.cpp
33>  corpse_cover.cpp
33>  telekinesis.cpp
33>  telekinetic_object.cpp
33>  TeleWhirlwind.cpp
33>  invisibility.cpp
33>  psy_aura.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  energy_holder.cpp
33>  monster_event_manager.cpp
33>  melee_checker.cpp
33>  monster_morale.cpp
33>  controlled_actor.cpp
33>  control_manager.cpp
33>  control_manager_custom.cpp
33>  control_animation.cpp
33>  control_direction.cpp
33>  control_path_builder.cpp
33>  control_movement.cpp
33>  control_animation_base.cpp
33>  control_animation_base_accel.cpp
33>  control_animation_base_load.cpp
33>  control_animation_base_update.cpp
33>  control_direction_base.cpp
33>  control_path_builder_base.cpp
33>  control_path_builder_base_path.cpp
33>  control_path_builder_base_set.cpp
33>  control_path_builder_base_update.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  control_movement_base.cpp
33>  control_sequencer.cpp
33>  control_melee_jump.cpp
33>  control_rotation_jump.cpp
33>  anim_triple.cpp
33>  control_jump.cpp
33>  control_run_attack.cpp
33>  control_threaten.cpp
33>  control_critical_wound.cpp
33>  anomaly_detector.cpp
33>  monster_cover_manager.cpp
33>  monster_home.cpp
33>  bloodsucker.cpp
33>  bloodsucker_state_manager.cpp
33>  bloodsucker_vampire_effector.cpp
33>  bloodsucker_alien.cpp
33>  boar.cpp
33>  boar_state_manager.cpp
33>  ai_crow.cpp
33>  flesh.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  flesh_state_manager.cpp
33>  pseudodog.cpp
33>  pseudodog_psi_effector.cpp
33>  pseudodog_state_manager.cpp
33>  psy_dog.cpp
33>  psy_dog_aura.cpp
33>  psy_dog_state_manager.cpp
33>  burer.cpp
33>  burer_state_manager.cpp
33>  burer_fast_gravi.cpp
33>  chimera.cpp
33>  chimera_state_manager.cpp
33>  pseudo_gigant.cpp
33>  pseudo_gigant_step_effector.cpp
33>  pseudogigant_state_manager.cpp
33>  poltergeist.cpp
33>  poltergeist_movement.cpp
33>  poltergeist_state_manager.cpp
33>  poltergeist_ability.cpp
33>  poltergeist_flame_thrower.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  poltergeist_telekinesis.cpp
33>  zombie.cpp
33>  zombie_state_manager.cpp
33>  fracture.cpp
33>  fracture_state_manager.cpp
33>  snork.cpp
33>  snork_state_manager.cpp
33>  snork_jump.cpp
33>  controller.cpp
33>  controller_psy_aura.cpp
33>  controller_state_manager.cpp
33>  controller_animation.cpp
33>  controller_direction.cpp
33>  controller_psy_hit.cpp
33>  controller_psy_hit_effector.cpp
33>  cat.cpp
33>  cat_state_manager.cpp
33>  tushkano.cpp
33>  tushkano_state_manager.cpp
33>  phantom.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  dog.cpp
33>  dog_state_manager.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_callbacks.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_animation_global.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_animation_head.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_legs.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_animation_manager.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_animation_manager_debug.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_torso.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_animation_data_storage.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_data.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_names.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_pair.cpp
33>  stalker_animation_state.cpp
33>  cover_evaluators.cpp
33>  stalker_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_base_action.cpp
33>  stalker_alife_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_alife_task_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_anomaly_planner.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  stalker_danger_unknown_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_danger_unknown_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_danger_in_direction_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_danger_in_direction_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_danger_grenade_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_danger_grenade_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_danger_by_sound_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_danger_by_sound_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_death_planner.cpp
33>  stalker_death_actions.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_movement_manager.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  stalker_velocity_collection.cpp
33>  stalker_velocity_holder.cpp
33>  ai_stalker_alife.cpp
33>  ai_stalker_cover.cpp
33>  ai_stalker_events.cpp
33>  Ai\Stalker\ai_stalker_events.cpp(74) :  TODO :   "Dima to Oles : how can this happen?"
33>  ai_stalker_feel.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  ai_stalker_script_entity.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  ai\stalker\ai_stalker_script_entity.cpp(42) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Return correct medikit"
33>  ai\stalker\ai_stalker_script_entity.cpp(48) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima : Return correct food"
33>  stalker_sound_data.cpp
33>  level_graph.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  level_graph_debug.cpp
33>  level_graph_vertex.cpp
33>  patrol_path.cpp
33>  patrol_path_storage.cpp
33>  patrol_point.cpp
33>  script_abstract_action.cpp
33>  script_movement_action.cpp
33>  script_watch_action.cpp
33>  script_animation_action.cpp
33>  script_sound_action.cpp
33>  script_particle_action.cpp
33>  particle_params.cpp
33>  script_object_action.cpp
33>  script_action_condition.cpp
33>  script_monster_action.cpp
33>  script_entity_action.cpp
33>  script_binder_object.cpp
33>  script_effector.cpp
33>  script_hit.cpp
33>  script_ini_file.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  script_token_list.cpp
33>  script_sound.cpp
33>  script_particles.cpp
33>  script_callStack.cpp
33>  script_debugger.cpp
33>  script_debugger_threads.cpp
33>  ai_sounds.cpp
33>  ai_space.cpp
33>  xr_Client_BattlEye.cpp
33>  CameraFirstEye.cpp
33>  cameralook.cpp
33>  ActorEffector.cpp
33>  CameraEffector.cpp
33>  EffectorBobbing.cpp
33>  EffectorFall.cpp
33>  SleepEffector.cpp
33>  pp_effector_custom.cpp
33>  pp_effector_distance.cpp
33>  PostprocessAnimator.cpp
33>  zone_effector.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  EffectorShot.cpp
33>  EffectorShotX.cpp
33>  EffectorZoomInertion.cpp
33>  GameMtlLib.cpp
33>  GameMtlLib_Engine.cpp
33>  Level_GameSpy_Funcs.cpp
33>  Level_input.cpp
33>  x:\trunk\xray\xr_3da\xrgame\stalker_movement_manager_inline.h(60) :  TODO :   "Dima to Dima: this is correct, commented just because of the October presentation, no time right now to fix it correctly, should be fixed sometimes later"
33>  Level_load.cpp
33>  level_map_locations.cpp
33>  Level_network_Demo.cpp
33>  Level_network_messages.cpp
33>  Level_network_start_client.cpp
33>  Level_SLS_Default.cpp
33>  Level_SLS_Load.cpp
33>  Level_SLS_Save.cpp
33>  Level_start.cpp
33>  LevelGameDef.cpp
33>  Level_Bullet_Manager.cpp
33>  Level_bullet_manager_firetrace.cpp
33>  Tracer.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  seniority_hierarchy_holder.cpp
33>  team_hierarchy_holder.cpp
33>  squad_hierarchy_holder.cpp
33>  group_hierarchy_holder.cpp
33>  autosave_manager.cpp
33>  level_sounds.cpp
33>  debug_renderer.cpp
33>  xr_level_controller.cpp
33>  level_debug.cpp
33>  actor_mp_client.cpp
33>  actor_mp_client_export.cpp
33>  actor_mp_client_import.cpp
33>  actor_mp_server.cpp
33>  actor_mp_server_export.cpp
33>  actor_mp_server_import.cpp
33>  actor_mp_state.cpp
33>  Actor_Events.cpp
33>  Actor_Feel.cpp
33>  actor_input_handler.cpp
33>  Actor_Movement.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  Actor_Sleep.cpp
33>  Actor_Weapon.cpp
33>  ActorAnimation.cpp
33>  ActorCameras.cpp
33>  ActorFollowers.cpp
33>  ActorInput.cpp
33>  ActorMountedWeapon.cpp
33>  ActorVehicle.cpp
33>  actor_memory.cpp
33>  Entity.cpp
33>  Entity.cpp(153) :  TODO :   "Jim to Dima: no specific figures or comments needed"
33>  EntityCondition.cpp
33>  hit_immunity.cpp
33>  Wound.cpp
33>  holder_custom.cpp
33>  ParticlesPlayer.cpp
33>  PHCollideValidator.cpp
33>  PHSkeleton.cpp
33>  PHDestroyable.cpp
33>  PHDestroyableNotificate.cpp
33>  PhysicsSkeletonObject.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  ClimableObject.cpp
33>  BreakableObject.cpp
33>  PHCollisionDamageReceiver.cpp
33>  encyclopedia_article.cpp
33>  AI_PhraseDialogManager.cpp
33>  Phrase.cpp
33>  PhraseDialogManager.cpp
33>  game_news.cpp
33>  game_news.cpp(56) :  TODO :   "Satan->Satan : insert carry-over"
33>  actor_statistic_mgr.cpp
33>  attachable_item.cpp
33>  attachment_owner.cpp
33>  eatable_item.cpp
33>  eatable_item_object.cpp
33>  inventory_item.cpp
33>  inventory_item.cpp(956) :  TODO :   "TO ALL: serious performance problem"
33>  inventory_item.cpp(1098) :  TODO :   "Dima to Andy : why CInventoryItem::CanTrade can be called for the item, which doesn't have owner?"
33>  inventory_item_object.cpp
33>  character_community.cpp
33>  character_info.cpp
33>  character_rank.cpp
33>  character_reputation.cpp
33>  monster_community.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  specific_character.cpp
33>  relation_registry.cpp
33>  relation_registry_fights.cpp
33>  trade_parameters.cpp
33>  purchase_list.cpp
33>  physic_item.cpp
33>  ShootingObject.cpp
33>  Weapon.cpp
33>  Weapon.cpp(136) :  TODO :   "TO ALL: serious performance problem"
33>Weapon.cpp(365): warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
33>  Weapon.cpp(1444) :  TODO :   "Cribbledirge: test these callbacks (including the one in the 'else' statmenet) to see if they work with scopes."
33>  WeaponDispersion.cpp
33>  WeaponFire.cpp
33>  WeaponAmmo.cpp
33>  WeaponCustomPistol.cpp
33>  WeaponPistol.cpp
33>  Grenade.cpp
33>  Grenade.cpp(282) :  TODO :   "Dima to Yura : It crashes, because on net_Spawn object doesn't use AI locations, but on net_Destroy it does use them"
33>  Missile.cpp
33>  WeaponMagazined.cpp
33>  WeaponMagazinedWGrenade.cpp
33>  Silencer.cpp
33>  GrenadeLauncher.cpp
33>  CustomRocket.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  ExplosiveRocket.cpp
33>  RocketLauncher.cpp
33>  WeaponKnife.cpp
33>  Bolt.cpp
33>  WeaponRPG7.cpp
33>  WeaponBinoculars.cpp
33>  WeaponBinocularsVision.cpp
33>  WeaponShotgun.cpp
33>  WeaponRG6.cpp
33>  weaponBM16.cpp
33>  WeaponHUD.cpp
33>  WeaponMounted.cpp
33>  WeaponStatMgun.cpp
33>  WeaponStatMgunFire.cpp
33>  WeaponStatMgunIR.cpp
33>  Artifact.cpp
33>  MercuryBall.cpp
33>  GraviArtifact.cpp
33>  BlackDrops.cpp
33>  Needles.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  BastArtifact.cpp
33>  BlackGraviArtifact.cpp
33>  DummyArtifact.cpp
33>  ZudaArtifact.cpp
33>  ThornArtifact.cpp
33>  FadedBall.cpp
33>  ElectricBall.cpp
33>  RustyHairArtifact.cpp
33>  GalantineArtifact.cpp
33>  CustomDetector.cpp
33>  SimpleDetector.cpp
33>  Torch.cpp
33>  PDA.cpp
33>  antirad.cpp
33>  BottleItem.cpp
33>  FoodItem.cpp
33>  ItemHealth.cpp
33>  medkit.cpp
33>  BoneProtections.cpp
33>  CustomOutfit.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  ExoOutfit.cpp
33>  MilitaryOutfit.cpp
33>  ScientificOutfit.cpp
33>  Infodocument.cpp
33>  hud_item_object.cpp
33>  HudItem.cpp
33>  HudSound.cpp
33>  Explosive.cpp
33>  ExplosiveItem.cpp
33>  wallmark_manager.cpp
33>  MPPlayersBag.cpp
33>  searchlight.cpp
33>  CustomZone.cpp
33>  FryupZone.cpp
33>  GraviZone.cpp
33>  level_changer.cpp
33>  Mincer.cpp
33>  MosquitoBald.cpp
33>  RadioactiveZone.cpp
33>  team_base_zone.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  TorridZone.cpp
33>  ZoneVisual.cpp
33>  AmebaZone.cpp
33>  NoGravityZone.cpp
33>  map_location.cpp
33>  Car.cpp
33>  CarCameras.cpp
33>  CarDamageParticles.cpp
33>  CarDoors.cpp
33>  CarExhaust.cpp
33>  CarInput.cpp
33>  CarLights.cpp
33>  CarSound.cpp
33>  CarWheels.cpp
33>  DBG_Car.cpp
33>  CarWeapon.cpp
33>  car_memory.cpp
33>  HelicopterWeapon.cpp
33>  DelayedActionFuse.cpp
33>  ParticlesObject.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  Spectator.cpp
33>  r2_test_hw.cpp
33>  xrGame.cpp
33>  console_commands_mp.cpp
33>  date_time.cpp
33>  object_factory.cpp
33>  object_factory_register.cpp
33>  random32.cpp
33>  smart_cast.cpp
33>  smart_cast_stats.cpp
33>  string_table.cpp
33>  RegistryFuncs.cpp
33>  battleye_system.cpp
33>  xr_Server_BattlEye.cpp
33>  xrServer_balance.cpp
33>  game_cl_artefacthunt.cpp
33>  game_cl_deathmatch.cpp
33>  game_cl_deathmatch_buywnd.cpp
33>  game_cl_teamdeathmatch.cpp
33>  game_cl_base_weapon_usage_statistic.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  game_cl_base_weapon_usage_statistic_save.cpp
33>  game_cl_mp.cpp
33>  game_cl_mp_messages_menu.cpp
33>  game_cl_mp_snd_messages.cpp
33>  game_sv_base.cpp
33>  game_sv_base_console_vars.cpp
33>  game_sv_event_queue.cpp
33>  xr_time.cpp
33>  game_sv_artefacthunt.cpp
33>  game_sv_artefacthunt_process_event.cpp
33>  game_sv_deathmatch.cpp
33>  game_sv_deathmatch_process_event.cpp
33>  game_sv_single.cpp
33>  xrServer_CL_connect.cpp
33>  xrServer_CL_disconnect.cpp
33>  xrServer_Connect.cpp
33>  xrServer_Disconnect.cpp
33>  game_sv_teamdeathmatch.cpp
33>  game_sv_teamdeathmatch_process_event.cpp
33>  game_sv_mp.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  GameSpy_Available.cpp
33>  GameSpy_Browser.cpp
33>  GameSpy_Full.cpp
33>  GameSpy_GCD_Client.cpp
33>  GameSpy_GCD_Server.cpp
33>  GameSpy_HTTP.cpp
33>  GameSpy_Patching.cpp
33>  GameSpy_QR2.cpp
33>  GameSpy_QR2_callbacks.cpp
33>  xrServer_Factory.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects_Abstract.cpp
33>  xrServer_Object_Base.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects_ALife.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects_ALife_Items.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects_ALife_Monsters.cpp
33>  xrServer_Objects_ALife_Monsters.cpp(266) :  TODO :   "Dima to Yura, MadMax : Remove that hacks, please!"
33>  xrServer_perform_GameExport.cpp
33>  xrServer_perform_migration.cpp
33>  xrServer_perform_RPgen.cpp
33>  xrServer_perform_sls_default.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  xrServer_perform_sls_load.cpp
33>  xrServer_perform_sls_save.cpp
33>  xrServer_perform_transfer.cpp
33>  xrServer_sls_clear.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_event.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_event_destroy.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_event_ownership.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_event_reject.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_spawn.cpp
33>  xrServer_process_update.cpp
33>  xrGameSpy_GameSpyFuncs.cpp
33>  xrGameSpyServer.cpp
33>  xrGameSpyServer_callbacks.cpp
33>  PHDebug.cpp
33>  PHWorld.cpp
33>  Physics.cpp
33>  physics_game.cpp
33>  PhysicsGamePars.cpp
33>  PHShellCreator.cpp
33>  PHStaticGeomShell.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  MathUtils.cpp
33>  PHDynamicData.cpp
33>  PHInterpolation.cpp
33>  PHContactBodyEffector.cpp
33>  PHNetState.cpp
33>  PHSynchronize.cpp
33>  PHMoveStorage.cpp
33>  DisablingParams.cpp
33>  PHDisabling.cpp
33>  PHActorCharacter.cpp
33>  PHMovementDynamicActivate.cpp
33>  PHAICharacter.cpp
33>  PHCapture.cpp
33>  PHCaptureInit.cpp
33>  PHMovementControl.cpp
33>  ElevatorState.cpp
33>  PHSimpleCharacter.cpp
33>  PHCharacter.cpp
33>  PhysicsShell.cpp
33>  PhysicsShell.cpp(182) :  TODO :   "not ignore static if non realy fixed! "
33>  PhysicsShellAnimator.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  animation_movement_controller.cpp
33>  PHElement.cpp
33>  PHElement.cpp(1135) :  TODO :   remake it using Geometry functions
33>  PHElementNetState.cpp
33>  PHJoint.cpp
33>  PHShell.cpp
33>  PHShellActivate.cpp
33>  PHShellNetState.cpp
33>  ShellHit.cpp
33>  ShellHit.cpp(17) :  TODO :   "Kosya to kosya:this code shold treat all hit types"
33>  PHFracture.cpp
33>  PHJointDestroyInfo.cpp
33>  PHShellSplitter.cpp
33>  PHSplitedShell.cpp
33>  PHObject.cpp
33>  Geometry.cpp
33>  PHGeometryOwner.cpp
33>  PHIsland.cpp
33>  PHCommander.cpp
33>  PHSimpleCalls.cpp
33>  character_hit_animations.cpp
33>  CharacterPhysicsSupport.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  interactive_motion.cpp
33>  dSortTriPrimitive.cpp
33>  dRayMotions.cpp
33>  DamagableItem.cpp
33>  PHSoundPlayer.cpp
33>  PHActivationShape.cpp
33>  Hit.cpp
33>  aint.cxx
33>  Dof7control.cpp
33>  eqn.cxx
33>  eulersolver.cxx
33>  ik_anim_state.cpp
33>  IKLimb.cpp
33>  IKLimbsController.cpp
33>  jtlimits.cxx
33>  limb.cxx
33>  math3d.cpp
33>  mathTrig.cpp
33>  CExtraContentFilter.cpp
33>  MainMenu.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UI.cpp
33>  ui_base.cpp
33>  UIDialogHolder.cpp
33>  uiinventorywnd2.cpp
33>  UIInventoryWnd3.cpp
33>  UIOutfitSlot.cpp
33>  UITradeWnd.cpp
33>  UIPdaAux.cpp
33>  UIPdaContactsWnd.cpp
33>  UIPdaListItem.cpp
33>  UIPdaWnd.cpp
33>  map_hint.cpp
33>  map_spot.cpp
33>  UIMap.cpp
33>  UIMapWnd.cpp
33>  UIMapWndActions.cpp
33>  UITalkDialogWnd.cpp
33>  UITalkWnd.cpp
33>  UIDiaryWnd2.cpp
33>  UIEncyclopediaArticleWnd.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UIEncyclopediaWnd.cpp
33>  UINewsItemWnd.cpp
33>  UINewsWnd.cpp
33>  UIArtefactPanel.cpp
33>  UICarPanel.cpp
33>  UIMainIngameWnd.cpp
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(150): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(151): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(152): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(153): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(154): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(155): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(156): error C2065: 'warn_icon_list' : undeclared identifier
33>ui\UIMainIngameWnd.cpp(1053): error C2059: syntax error : ']'
33>  UIMessageswindow.cpp
33>  UIMoneyIndicator.cpp
33>  UIMotionIcon.cpp
33>  UIPdaMsgListItem.cpp
33>  UIZoneMap.cpp
33>  UIColorAnimatorWrapper.cpp
33>  UIActorInfo.cpp
33>  UIStalkersRankingWnd.cpp
33>  UIOptionsItem.cpp
33>  UIOptionsManager.cpp
33>  UIOptConCom.cpp
33>  UITaskDescrWnd.cpp
33>  MMSound.cpp
33>  UIMMShniaga.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UIEditKeyBind.cpp
33>  UIKeyBinding.cpp
33>  UICharacterInfo.cpp
33>  ui_af_params.cpp
33>  UIItemInfo.cpp
33>  UIOutfitInfo.cpp
33>  UISleepWnd.cpp
33>  UIInventoryUtilities.cpp
33>  UIBtnHint.cpp
33>  UITextureMaster.cpp
33>  UIXmlInit.cpp
33>  xrUIXmlParser.cpp
33>  UIMessageBox.cpp
33>  UIMessageBoxEx.cpp
33>  UIPropertiesBox.cpp
33>  UIAnimatedStatic.cpp
33>  UICustomItem.cpp
33>  UIMultiTextStatic.cpp
33>  UIStatic.cpp
33>  ui\UIStatic.cpp(550) :  TODO :   "Satan->Satan : need adaptation"
33>  ui\UIStatic.cpp(563) :  TODO :   "Satan->Satan : need adaptation"
33>  UIStaticItem.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UITextBanner.cpp
33>  UIEditBox.cpp
33>  UIEditBoxEx.cpp
33>  UICustomEdit.cpp
33>  UIDialogWnd.cpp
33>  UIFrameLineWnd.cpp
33>  UIFramewindow.cpp
33>  UIwindow.cpp
33>  UIProgressBar.cpp
33>  UIProgressShape.cpp
33>  UITabButton.cpp
33>  UITabControl.cpp
33>  UITreeViewItem.cpp
33>  UI3tButton.cpp
33>  UIButton.cpp
33>  UICheckButton.cpp
33>  UIRadioButton.cpp
33>  UIComboBox.cpp
33>  UI_IB_Static.cpp
33>  UITrackBar.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UITrackButton.cpp
33>  UIFrameLine.cpp
33>  UIFrameRect.cpp
33>  UIScrollView.cpp
33>  UIListBox.cpp
33>  UIListBoxItem.cpp
33>  UILine.cpp
33>  ui\UILine.cpp(106) :  TODO :   "SATAN->SATAN: sometimes working badly (leaves empty lines)"
33>  UILines.cpp
33>  UISubLine.cpp
33>  UIVideoPlayerWnd.cpp
33>  UICellCustomItems.cpp
33>ui\UICellCustomItems.cpp(340): warning C4244: 'initializing' : conversion from 'int' to 'float', possible loss of data
33>  UICellItem.cpp
33>  UICellItemFactory.cpp
33>  UIDragDropListEx.cpp
33>  UILabel.cpp
33>  UIScrollBar.cpp
33>  UIScrollBox.cpp
33>  UICustomSpin.cpp
33>  UISpinNum.cpp
33>  UISpinText.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UIListItem.cpp
33>  UIListWnd.cpp
33>  UIListItemEx.cpp
33>  ContextMenu.cpp
33>  HitMarker.cpp
33>  HUDManager.cpp
33>  UIDMStatisticWnd.cpp
33>  UIGameDM.cpp
33>  UIRankIndicator.cpp
33>  UIVoteStatusWnd.cpp
33>  UIGameTDM.cpp
33>  UIGameAHunt.cpp
33>  UICDkey.cpp
33>  UIMapList.cpp
33>  ServerList.cpp
33>  ServerList_GameSpy_func.cpp
33>  UIListItemAdv.cpp
33>  UIListItemServer.cpp
33>  TeamInfo.cpp
33>  UIStats.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UIStatsPlayerInfo.cpp
33>  UIStatsPlayerList.cpp
33>  UIStatsIcon.cpp
33>  UIFrags.cpp
33>  UIFrags2.cpp
33>  UIStatsWnd.cpp
33>  UIChatWnd.cpp
33>  UIGameLog.cpp
33>  UISpeechMenu.cpp
33>  UIPdaKillMessage.cpp
33>  UIBuyWndShared.cpp
33>  UIMpItemsStoreWnd.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd_init.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd_items.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd_misc.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd_trade.cpp
33>  UIMpTradeWnd_wpn.cpp
33>  Restrictions.cpp
33>  UIBuyWeaponTab.cpp
33>  Compiling...
33>  UITabButtonMP.cpp
33>  UIBagWnd.cpp
33>  UIBuyWnd.cpp
33>  UIMapDesc.cpp
33>  UIMapInfo.cpp
33>  UISpawnWnd.cpp
33>  ui\UISpawnWnd.cpp(83) :  TODO :   "Satan -> Satan : adopt to fixed texture size"
33>  UISkinSelector.cpp
33>  UIStatix.cpp
33>  UIChangeMap.cpp
33>  UIChangeWeather.cpp
33>  UIKickPlayer.cpp
33>  UITextVote.cpp
33>  UIVote.cpp
33>  UIVotingCategory.cpp
33>  HUDCrosshair.cpp
33>HUDCrosshair.cpp(46): warning C4800: 'BOOL' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
33>  HUDTarget.cpp
33>  UICursor.cpp
33>Build FAILED.
33>Time Elapsed 00:11:28.02
========== Build: 16 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 11 skipped ==========

Сообщение отредактировал Vampir35 - 23.08.2014, 17:17

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 18:06
Сообщение #1932

Опытный Геймер

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Цитата(Vampir35 @ 23.08.2014, 18:16) *
Раньше же легко все компилилось

Что легко компилилось?
Цитата(Vampir35 @ 23.08.2014, 18:16) *
Что делать?

Исправлять, конечно. Только вот эти километровые логи сами по себе бесполезны, надо кусок исходника прилагать.

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 19:06
Сообщение #1933


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Легко компилировалась выложенная на репозитории ревизия smile.gif
А какой кусок исходника? Я чистую ревизию компилю, ничего не изменял, единственное, это в configuration manager поснимал галочки со всех файлов папки utils - сдк мне не требуется smile.gif С ними ошибок даже больше было =)

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 19:27
Сообщение #1934

Опытный Геймер

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Чудеса. Ты все-таки покажи куски исходников, где находятся ошибки и соответствующие им куски лога.

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 20:37
Сообщение #1935

Опытный Геймер

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Выложил исходники x-ray 1.5.10: https://github.com/nitrocaster/xray
Все проекты в солюшене (включая utils) собираются без танцев с виртуальными дисками в VS 2013. Нужен DirectX SDK Jun 2010.
xrDXT модифицирован для работы с NVTT вместо nvDXT (см. 3rd parties). В самом NVTT пришлось поправить пару багов.
Плагины для древних версий Maya (4.5-8.0) удалил.
Если у кого-то есть желание и возможность перенести редакторы в VS - pull requests appreciated smile.gif

Сообщение отредактировал Flammable - 23.08.2014, 20:38

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сообщение 23.08.2014, 21:23
Сообщение #1936


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QUOTE (Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 21:37) *
Выложил исходники x-ray 1.5.10: https://github.com/nitrocaster/xray

Thank you for this! biggrin.gif

I'm very new to C++ and only really a beginner so I was hoping somebody would be willing to help me, despite me posting in English on a Russian forum wink.gif

I want to add basically everything Gunslinger is doing, but I realize nobody is going to do that for me.

Instead, I was interested in the following:
1) Environment mapping for weapons (done in R1 renderer already, just needs to be added to the others). I believe the file responsible for this is Blender_Model_EbB.cpp since I believe the shader "models\weapons" is the only model to use env^base.

2) Are bloodmarks on bodies possible in Clear Sky? I added the code K.D. did from X-Ray Extensions adding r__bloodmarks to the files, but nothing happens in-game. I modified the following files: xrRender_Console.cpp, xrRender_Console.h, r2_R_Render.cpp, wallmark_manager.cpp. Did I miss any files? Obiously I just copy/pasted the code.

Also, to the members of OGSE that post here: do you plan on releasing the code for different types of scope attachments, and the code for new attachments like underslung shotguns?

Also, sorry for all my questions. I've done a few small things in the code which I will contribute soon so I'm not just always here begging.

Сообщение отредактировал jketiynu - 23.08.2014, 21:28
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 21:42
Сообщение #1937

Продвинутый геймер

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Цитата(Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 21:37) *
Если у кого-то есть желание и возможность перенести редакторы в VS - pull requests appreciated smile.gif

Если только в потустороннем мире кого найдёшь laugh.gif Или найдётся, эммм, несколько не здоровый человек. Или гений, как вариант.

Цитата(Modera @ 23.08.2014, 18:03) *
MegaNub вроде собирал. Только не запускалось.

Собирал ТЧ и ЧН SDK. ТЧ во всех редакторах AV еб****, чтоб его, в ЧН всё работает, кроме SE, опять преусловатый AV (какой-то косяк с ElPack, предположительно)

Цитата(Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 17:03) *
Без борландовского хлама редакторы собрать реально?

Увы, сударь, нет, вас ждёт от части "приятное" общение с билдером.

Сообщение отредактировал MegaNub - 23.08.2014, 21:56
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 21:42
Сообщение #1938

Опытный Игрок

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Цитата(MegaNub @ 23.08.2014, 22:39) *
Цитата(Flammable @ 23.08.2014, 21:37) *
Если у кого-то есть желание и возможность перенести редакторы в VS - pull requests appreciated smile.gif

Если только в потустороннем мире laugh.gif Или найдётся, эммм, несколько не здоровый человек.

Цитата(Modera @ 23.08.2014, 18:03) *
MegaNub вроде собирал. Только не запускалось.

Компилил ТЧ и ЧН SDK. ТЧ во всех редакторах AV еб****, чтоб его, в ЧН всё работает, кроме SE, опять преусловатый AV

По тутору Лохотрона пробовал?
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 21:46
Сообщение #1939

Продвинутый геймер

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Цитата(stalker_inside @ 23.08.2014, 22:42) *
По тутору Лохотрона пробовал?

И да, и нет. Были уже некоторые представления с чем имею дело после сборки SDK ТЧ

Сообщение отредактировал MegaNub - 23.08.2014, 21:47
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сообщение 23.08.2014, 23:10
Сообщение #1940


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Цитата(Vampir35 @ 23.08.2014, 18:16) *
========== Build: 16 succeeded, 6 failed, 0 up-to-date, 11 skipped ==========
Вообще ни в какие ворота smile.gif Что делать? Раньше же легко все компилилось smile.gif

Сорри, это мой косяк с синхронизацией транков. Попробовал в этот раз залить хидеры с модификацией шаблонов под VS2013, надеюсь они будут благосклонно восприниматься и VS2010. А то вручную приходится по файлику копировать, это несколько ненадежно. Поскольку я закончил в основном экспорт объектов, в ближайшие дни сделаю отдельный бранч для своих коммитов. Теперь пошли эксперименты по уменьшению ресурсоемкости, оптимизации и т.п.
P.S.: Более информативно в случае проблем со сборкой выкладывать скриншот окна/вкладки "Error List" (Ctrl + \, E).
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сообщение 24.08.2014, 03:30
Сообщение #1941


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I'm trying to add enviornment mapping (which is in R1) to R2.

I narrowed it down to Blender_Model_EbB.cpp which is responsible for the shader models/weapons.

I already suspected it, but found out for sure when I did this to it:
That made all weapons invisible and nothing else.

So it seems as though ubber_deffer somehow needs to be called to use s_env in the shaders, but I'm stuck as to how.

Anybody have any ideas?
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