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> [ТЧ] Патч 2.0006, (неофициальный мультиплеерный)
сообщение 26.10.2015, 20:22
Сообщение #81

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

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ЭкшнРолевая играПостапокалипсисОткрытый мирИгрок против игрокаАтмосферная
95 %
Разработчик: GSC Game World
Дата выхода: 20 марта 2007
операционная система: XP или выше
оперативная память: 2gb
место на диске: 10gb

-по умолчанию отключен запрос ключа сервером
-полностью совместима со стандартными серверами на 1.0006
-игровые архивы перепакованы с компрессией
-добавлены новый экзешник и геймспай за 2014
-встроен контроллёр v1.0 RC9
-настроены батники для создания выделенных серверов
-обновлены звуковые openAL-библиотеки
-возможность включения/выключения вертикальной синхронизации (VSYNC) в опциях
-логи клиента и сервера не загаживаются сообщениями "cl_setdestroy"
-фикс возврата в игру по Esc
-фиксы некоторых щелкающих звуков
-фиксы воллмарков от ножа
-фикс солнечного градиента

-по умолчанию отключен запрос ключа сервером
-основана на модифицированном движке 1.0006 с исправлением некоторых ошибок и вылетов
-игровые архивы перепакованы с компрессией
-добавлены новый экзешник и геймспай за 2014
-встроен контроллёр v1.0 RC9
-настроены батники для создания выделенных серверов
-обновлены звуковые openAL-библиотеки/расширена поддержка EAX
-возможность включения/выключения вертикальной синхронизации (VSYNC) в опциях
-логи клиента и сервера не загаживаются лишними техническими сообщениями
-фикс возврата в игру по Esc
-фиксы большинства щелкающих звуков
-фиксы воллмарков от ножа
-фикс солнечного градиента
-в режимах tdm и ah отключено тяжелое вооружение
-выбор угла обзора из глаз (FOV) настраивается в опциях прямо в игре
-дополнительное чат-меню для teamdeathmatch и artefacthunt (вызывается по кнопке T)
-полностью переработанная погода и графика, исправлены шейдерные недоработки
-улучшенные дымовые гранаты
-включены правки с 2009 по 2013 г. ранее входившие в состав патчей 7.02 и 1.0008-1.0014
-добавлены десятки mp-карт, в том числе переработанные из mp/сингла ТЧ/ЧН/ЗП/1.0014
-регдольная физика падений фрагов с высоты
-оптимизации оптических прицелов для широкоэкранных мониторов
-псевдонамокание при дожде на динамическом освещении
-настраиваемый ускоренный курсор в меню
-время разминки увеличено до 18 часов
-расширен выбор визуалов игроков для dm
-на некоторых уровнях есть новые аномалии, бочки и т.п.
-тени от травы и игрока на динамическом освещении
-регулировка зума снайперок колесом мыши
-прозрачное меню опций

-основана на 2.0006C
-отсутствуют повязки на рукавах
-много новых стволов (в том числе пулемет и P90)
-ограничение на патроны во всех режимах
-возможность в dm/tdm использовать 2 ствола (переключаются клавишей 3)
-на динамическом освещении многие лампочки бьются
-изменены параметры игрока, например время спринта
-изменены параметры оружия

Ссылки на скачку
Проект 2r0006 переведен на автозагружаемый X.0006. На чистом ТЧ 1.0006 присоединяетесь к серверу [stalker-life.com]X0006. По умолчанию запрос сервером ключей отключен. Далее мод и карты загрузятся автоматически. При дальнейших подключениях к серверу будут только подгружаться новые карты по мере необходимости. Мод использует отдельные настройки графики, поэтому после автоустановки и подключения зайдите в опции и выставите желаемые параметры.

Сообщение отредактировал macron - 04.04.2020, 00:54
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6 страниц V  « < 3 4 5 6 >  
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сообщение 27.05.2019, 04:27
Сообщение #82

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

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Цитата(RayTwitty @ 27.05.2019, 03:53) *
10. Bind_object:
Возможность использовать скрипты в мультиплеере.
Возможно биндер актора подцепится и заработает скрипт раскачки.

Да пробовал уже давно. Конкретно с раскачкой не работало. А учитывая подключение к выделенному серверу, вдвойне бессмысленно. Зная, что уже появляются движковые варианты, опять тратить время на эксперименты костылями, которые всё равно полноценно в mp не заработают, не рационально. Может в будущем еще с хексом поэкспериментирую, но дело долгое.
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сообщение 27.05.2019, 13:06
Сообщение #83

Почти Мастер

Репутация:   174  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 1052
Награды: 5
Регистрация: 11.10.2006

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Я бы хотел получить больше информации об оптимизации обмена данными между клиентом и сервером, а именно:
при игре в мультиплеере модельки дергаются, как минимизировать данный эффект?
Думаю, что дело в низких рейтах обновления положений игроков в пространстве и интерполяции.

Уважаемый macron:
Как это минимизировать?

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сообщение 27.05.2019, 19:50
Сообщение #84

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

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Цитата(xroft @ 27.05.2019, 13:06) *
об оптимизации обмена данными между клиентом и сервером, а именно:
при игре в мультиплеере модельки дергаются, как минимизировать данный эффект?

Как клиенту, могу рекомендовать проги/твики реестра для снижения пинга, иногда помогают.
Как админу, увеличивать:

sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100 или больше
net_sv_update_rate 30 или больше
net_cl_interpolation - хз что, обычно 0
net_cl_update_rate 100 допустим

Еще выставить:
ph_frequency 100
ph_iterations 38

Сообщение отредактировал macron - 27.05.2019, 19:51
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сообщение 31.05.2019, 19:29
Сообщение #85

Почти Мастер

Репутация:   1357  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 1155
Награды: 5
Регистрация: 28.05.2010

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Кто-то уже оценил новый шедевр картостроения?

Сверхнарод, не желающий кормить своего уицраора шаввой, будет кормить чужого гаввахом!
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сообщение 30.06.2019, 20:17
Сообщение #86

Продвинутый геймер

Репутация:   34  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 277
Награды: 4
Регистрация: 30.11.2009

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Цитата(Люпус Эст @ 31.05.2019, 19:29) *
Кто-то уже оценил новый шедевр картостроения?

А конкретнее?

Цитата(Dr.Cox @ 26.01.2013, 21:04) *
Да сколько еще можно трахать этот старый труп?
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сообщение 16.03.2020, 11:01
Сообщение #87


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

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Как щас по модному вообще играть в мультиплеер? Я пробовал этот патч, серверов под него почти нет вообще 1-2, и к тем не приконектится пишет версия не подходит.

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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Supple Hope
сообщение 16.03.2020, 14:35
Сообщение #88


Репутация:   257  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 4151
Награды: 4
Регистрация: 15.08.2008

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Зачем вы назвали мод патчем?
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сообщение 16.03.2020, 17:56
Сообщение #89


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

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Ну потому что это и мод и патч. Лучше бы по существу что-нибудь ответили бы. Хочу попробовать в это поиграть, а не получается.

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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сообщение 16.03.2020, 18:23
Сообщение #90

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

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Цитата(Supple Hope @ 16.03.2020, 14:31) *
Зачем вы назвали мод патчем?

Тебя в 2011 спросить забыли.

Цитата(Roman @ 16.03.2020, 10:57) *
Я пробовал этот патч, серверов под него почти нет вообще 1-2, и к тем не приконектится пишет версия не подходит.

Да, сейчас другие времена. Конкретно 2.0006 можешь только погонять локально, карты заценить. Многие так и остались в 2.0006, и больше нигде не встречаются.

Цитата(Roman @ 16.03.2020, 10:57) *
Как щас по модному вообще играть в мультиплеер?

Кому еще интересно, проект 2.0006 перешел в автозагружаемый X.0006.

На чистом ТЧ 1.0006 присоединяетесь к серверу [stalker-life.com]X0006. Далее мод и карты загрузятся автоматически. При дальнейших подключениях к серверу будут только подгружаться новые карты по мере необходимости. Мод использует отдельные настройки графики, поэтому после автоустановки и подключения зайдите в опции и выставите желаемые параметры.

Сообщение отредактировал macron - 16.03.2020, 18:26
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сообщение 16.03.2020, 22:02
Сообщение #91


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

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Спасибо, обновляюсь! А нет планов к Lost Alpha мультиплеер прикрутить?

PS. Как в синглплеере такую же графику и фичи сделать? Хочу начать ТЧ перепроходить с минимум изменений.
PPS. Классный сервер, только карты не меняют почти!

Сообщение отредактировал Roman - 16.03.2020, 22:33

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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сообщение 17.03.2020, 03:39
Сообщение #92
BFG9000 owner

Половина землекопа

Репутация:   247  
Группа: Припаркованный аккаунт
Сообщений: 1813
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 30.03.2010

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Цитата(macron @ 16.03.2020, 17:19) *
Кому еще интересно

Хехе, носача из Метрохи свиснули biggrin.gif

Hello worlds!
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сообщение 17.03.2020, 03:58
Сообщение #93

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   648  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 5354
Награды: 9
Регистрация: 24.09.2010

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Цитата(iOrange @ 17.03.2020, 03:35) *
Цитата(macron @ 16.03.2020, 17:19) *
Кому еще интересно

Хехе, носача из Метрохи свиснули biggrin.gif

Вот только анимация походу перезапускается постоянно, это палит фейк biggrin.gif А так чувак нормально отвалил кирпичей.

З.Ы. если сделано через аномалию можно увеличить время "зарядки", как у мины например.

Сообщение отредактировал RayTwitty - 17.03.2020, 03:59

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сообщение 17.03.2020, 14:03
Сообщение #94


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

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Да, носач страшный. Но глючит, иногда в воздух на улицу выползает. Вчера видел.

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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сообщение 17.03.2020, 18:44
Сообщение #95

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

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Цитата(Roman @ 16.03.2020, 21:58) *
А нет планов к Lost Alpha мультиплеер прикрутить?
С планами прикрутить чего-то к чему-то - к школьникам, пожалуйста.

Цитата(Roman @ 16.03.2020, 21:58) *
Как в синглплеере такую же графику и фичи сделать?
Ручками, долго и упорно.

Цитата(iOrange @ 17.03.2020, 03:35) *
носача из Метрохи свиснули
Ниче не свистнули, всё из слитых билдоресурсов.

Цитата(RayTwitty @ 17.03.2020, 03:54) *
если сделано через аномалию можно увеличить время "зарядки", как у мины например
Может быть.

Цитата(Roman @ 17.03.2020, 13:59) *
Но глючит, иногда в воздух на улицу выползает.
Естественно, выделенный сервер, анимации, ограничения каких-нибудь буферов и еще хз чего клиент-серверного.
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сообщение 30.03.2020, 16:00
Сообщение #96


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

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Обидно, стал выбивать из игры через 10 минут. Лог прикладываю.
* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M10/S7, 3310.00 mhz, 29-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 39927 files cached, 5665Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.746379 sec
'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008

Initializing Engine...
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* [win32]: free[4018172 K], reserved[74472 K], committed[101596 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[7495 K], process heap[2887 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[1032 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
! cant convert dik_name for dik[16], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[17], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[18], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[19], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[20], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[21], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[22], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[23], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[24], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[25], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[26], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[27], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[30], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[31], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[32], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[33], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[34], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[35], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[36], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[37], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[38], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[39], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[40], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[41], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[44], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[45], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[46], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[47], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[48], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[49], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[50], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[51], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[52], prop=[
! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  r__dtex_range
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_end
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_start
! Unknown command:  r__wallmark_ttl
! Unknown command:  rs_detail
! Unknown command:  rs_skeleton_update
! Unknown command:  vid_bpp
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
devices Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default)
SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1
SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software.
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65538 kb, 7609 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:DC4]: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 22
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4061 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
count of .thm files=1
load time=22 ms
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* NV-DBT supported and used
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
Starting engine...
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml]
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
No new patches are available.
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [497 ms]
"xr_3da.exe" -nointro
* phase time: 75 ms
* phase cmem: 104733 K
Клиент: Соединение с
- IPureClient : created on port 5446!
* HOST #1: testers_mp_agroprom

BattlEye Client: Initialized
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
! client : connection rejected - <>
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
cl_netADR_Server 1
cl_netADR_Device 1
cl_netCORE 1
* phase time: 19168 ms
* phase cmem: 105223 K
* [win32]: free[3634484 K], reserved[203244 K], committed[356512 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[6012 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[105223 K], process heap[24488 K], game lua[2243 K], engine lua[179 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[512 K], smem[0 K]
! Failed to start client. Check the connection or level existance.
- Destroying level
No new patches are available.
~ FZ: (8564) (421977140) Modules inited
~ FZ: (8564) (421977140) Path to loader is: d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx
~ FZ: (8564) (421977140) Starting working thread
~ FZ: (8564) (421977140) Free modules
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Modules inited
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) FreeZone Mod Loader
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Build date: 2018/09/09
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Mod name is "socx0006"
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Mod params "-srv -srvport 8624 -includename -preservemessage"
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Working thread started
~ FZ: (6436) (421977140) Initial message status is True
~ FZ: (6436) (421977187) Starting visual download
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
xrGSB Refresh Stopped

~ FZ: (6436) (421977343) Prepare for message displaying
No new patches are available.
~ FZ: (6436) (421977390) Activating message
~ FZ: (6436) (421977390) Path to mod is d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\
~ FZ: (6436) (421977390) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421977390) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (6436) (421977390) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FreeZoneMods/modmasterlinks/master/links.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (6436) (421977406) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini opened, handle is 2488
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [DL]Set request id=82705768 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Download started for dl 471846712, handle 82705768
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977406) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [TH]Close file handle 2488
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9192) (421977593) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421977593) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977593) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977593) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421977593) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (9192) (421977609) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421977609) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (6436) (421977609) No engine mod, approved
~ FZ: (6436) (421977609) Mod socx0006 found in master list
~ FZ: (6436) (421977625) =======Processing game resources list=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) Downloading list http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_gamedata.ini to d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini from http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_gamedata.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (6436) (421977656) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini opened, handle is 2356
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [DL]Set request id=82705768 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Download started for dl 471846712, handle 82705768
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977656) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [TH]Close file handle 2356
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (9988) (421977937) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (9988) (421977953) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) Parsing section file_0
~ FZ: (6436) (421977953) [FM]Updating file info for mods\configs.xdb, size=1942383, crc=0BF76B2A, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/configs.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421978000) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=0BF76B2A, size=1942383, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421978000) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421978000) Parsing section file_1
~ FZ: (6436) (421978000) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels1.xdb, size=73907781, crc=C3953253, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels1.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421978703) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C3953253, size=73907781, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421978703) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421978703) Parsing section file_2
~ FZ: (6436) (421978703) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels2.xdb, size=75441972, crc=AC19556F, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels2.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421979437) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=AC19556F, size=75441972, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421979437) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421979437) Parsing section file_3
~ FZ: (6436) (421979437) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels3.xdb, size=155729560, crc=B5EE23E8, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels3.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421981203) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=B5EE23E8, size=155729560, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421981203) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421981203) Parsing section file_4
~ FZ: (6436) (421981203) [FM]Updating file info for mods\localization.eng, size=1210392, crc=AF59293A, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.eng.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421981250) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=AF59293A, size=1210392, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421981250) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421981250) Parsing section file_5
~ FZ: (6436) (421981265) [FM]Updating file info for mods\localization.rus, size=739794, crc=6E516AF7, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.rus.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421981296) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=6E516AF7, size=739794, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421981296) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421981296) Parsing section file_6
~ FZ: (6436) (421981296) [FM]Updating file info for mods\meshes.xdb, size=73438846, crc=6296E58D, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/meshes.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421982062) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=6296E58D, size=73438846, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421982062) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421982062) Parsing section file_7
~ FZ: (6436) (421982062) [FM]Updating file info for mods\shaders.xdb, size=3828781, crc=9B562B35, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/shaders.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421982109) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=9B562B35, size=3828781, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421982109) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421982109) Parsing section file_8
~ FZ: (6436) (421982109) [FM]Updating file info for mods\sounds.xdb, size=44182097, crc=F1F595AB, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/sounds.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421982562) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F1F595AB, size=44182097, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421982562) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421982562) Parsing section file_9
~ FZ: (6436) (421982562) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures1.xdb, size=77922716, crc=D72457DD, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures1.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421983375) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D72457DD, size=77922716, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421983375) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421983375) Parsing section file_10
~ FZ: (6436) (421983375) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures2.xdb, size=68416098, crc=02250295, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures2.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421984109) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=02250295, size=68416098, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421984109) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421984109) Parsing section file_11
~ FZ: (6436) (421984109) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures3.xdb, size=120574187, crc=0D92D8E2, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures3.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421985343) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=0D92D8E2, size=120574187, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985343) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421985343) Parsing section file_12
~ FZ: (6436) (421985343) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures4.xdb, size=23734988, crc=8674C8A9, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures4.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421985625) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=8674C8A9, size=23734988, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985625) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421985625) Parsing section file_13
~ FZ: (6436) (421985625) [FM]Updating file info for mods\xpatch.xdb, size=10201300, crc=0AACFE94, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421985687) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=66D22204, size=1039408, md5=[]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985687) [FM]Entry exists, file outdated
~ FZ: (6436) (421985687) File list "gamedata_filelist.ini" processed, time 7734 ms
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) Downloading list http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_engine.ini to d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini from http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_engine.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (6436) (421985703) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini opened, handle is 2092
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [DL]Set request id=82705768 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Download started for dl 471846952, handle 82705768
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985703) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [TH]Close file handle 2092
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4744) (421985828) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (4744) (421985906) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) Parsing section file_0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985906) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, size=86016, crc=994B1D5C, md5=[f69c2017f12085bc668c207b3fe3a588], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEClient.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985937) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=994B1D5C, size=86016, md5=[f69c2017f12085bc668c207b3fe3a588]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985937) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421985937) Parsing section file_1
~ FZ: (6436) (421985937) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, size=81920, crc=4DADF143, md5=[1241a5d6ad416d63ba40295a90c03056], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEServer.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985953) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4DADF143, size=81920, md5=[1241a5d6ad416d63ba40295a90c03056]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985953) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421985953) Parsing section file_2
~ FZ: (6436) (421985953) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BugTrap.dll, size=180224, crc=4ACE2F3A, md5=[28547992d8fa15744ed39daf76129285], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BugTrap.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421985984) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4ACE2F3A, size=180224, md5=[28547992d8fa15744ed39daf76129285]
~ FZ: (6436) (421985984) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421985984) Parsing section file_3
~ FZ: (6436) (421985984) [FM]Updating file info for bin\d3dx9_31.dll, size=2414360, crc=A8F72BD8, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_31.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986031) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8F72BD8, size=2414360, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986031) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986031) Parsing section file_4
~ FZ: (6436) (421986031) [FM]Updating file info for bin\d3dx9_41.dll, size=4178264, crc=E8C117BB, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_41.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986125) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=E8C117BB, size=4178264, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986125) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986125) Parsing section file_5
~ FZ: (6436) (421986125) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dbghelp.dll, size=640000, crc=93E93DE8, md5=[6479a184873f7ca797ff0375d711e9a6], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dbghelp.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986156) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=93E93DE8, size=640000, md5=[6479a184873f7ca797ff0375d711e9a6]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986156) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986156) Parsing section file_6
~ FZ: (6436) (421986156) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\d3dx9_31.dll, size=2414360, crc=A8F72BD8, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_31.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986250) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8F72BD8, size=2414360, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986250) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986250) Parsing section file_7
~ FZ: (6436) (421986250) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\d3dx9_41.dll, size=4178264, crc=E8C117BB, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_41.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986343) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=E8C117BB, size=4178264, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986343) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986343) Parsing section file_8
~ FZ: (6436) (421986359) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, size=1869, crc=1A12405F, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986359) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=1A12405F, size=1869, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986359) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986359) Parsing section file_9
~ FZ: (6436) (421986359) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\msvcp80.dll, size=554832, crc=F4257BB1, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcp80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986390) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F4257BB1, size=554832, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986390) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986390) Parsing section file_10
~ FZ: (6436) (421986390) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\msvcr80.dll, size=632656, crc=83346AB8, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcr80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986421) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=83346AB8, size=632656, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986421) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986421) Parsing section file_11
~ FZ: (6436) (421986421) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\XR_3DA.exe, size=1598144, crc=10BAFAD2, md5=[8684fb022093ef7ea8a2bb4363502519], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/XR_3DA.exe, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986500) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=10BAFAD2, size=1598144, md5=[8684fb022093ef7ea8a2bb4363502519]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986500) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986500) Parsing section file_12
~ FZ: (6436) (421986500) [FM]Updating file info for bin\eax.dll, size=188416, crc=18BB99C2, md5=[a7b6dde9db9dd88ad4f658c55cf9d231], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/eax.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=18BB99C2, size=188416, md5=[a7b6dde9db9dd88ad4f658c55cf9d231]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) Parsing section file_13
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Updating file info for bin\efx.ini, size=110, crc=8765AF8D, md5=[65183569cdfbec1d19d92c8521a22972], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/efx.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=8765AF8D, size=110, md5=[65183569cdfbec1d19d92c8521a22972]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) Parsing section file_14
~ FZ: (6436) (421986515) [FM]Updating file info for bin\EnvFX.rtf, size=98123, crc=012CECDB, md5=[afb02bd4d9b06892f4e39c62bfeb2fee], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/EnvFX.rtf, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=012CECDB, size=98123, md5=[afb02bd4d9b06892f4e39c62bfeb2fee]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) Parsing section file_15
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\CIAIR-44100.mhr, size=163981, crc=3766E76B, md5=[eb7dbe430d19fbc100318505f39e7e18], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/CIAIR-44100.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=3766E76B, size=163981, md5=[eb7dbe430d19fbc100318505f39e7e18]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) Parsing section file_16
~ FZ: (6436) (421986546) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\default-44100.mhr, size=53853, crc=336AC4E1, md5=[a687ea1378364ad6025ca63d2f67b6c1], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-44100.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986578) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=336AC4E1, size=53853, md5=[a687ea1378364ad6025ca63d2f67b6c1]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986578) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986578) Parsing section file_17
~ FZ: (6436) (421986578) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\default-48000.mhr, size=53853, crc=28EA2A46, md5=[18891c0a4fadb32e4986a261f1a65dea], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-48000.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986609) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=28EA2A46, size=53853, md5=[18891c0a4fadb32e4986a261f1a65dea]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986609) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986609) Parsing section file_18
~ FZ: (6436) (421986609) [FM]Updating file info for bin\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, size=1869, crc=1A12405F, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986640) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=1A12405F, size=1869, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986640) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986640) Parsing section file_19
~ FZ: (6436) (421986640) [FM]Updating file info for bin\msvcp80.dll, size=554832, crc=F4257BB1, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcp80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986671) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F4257BB1, size=554832, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986671) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986671) Parsing section file_20
~ FZ: (6436) (421986671) [FM]Updating file info for bin\msvcr80.dll, size=632656, crc=83346AB8, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcr80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986718) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=83346AB8, size=632656, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986718) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986718) Parsing section file_21
~ FZ: (6436) (421986718) [FM]Updating file info for bin\ode.dll, size=196608, crc=D9A5719E, md5=[d6c3456a2fd62fdd97c019e5f78aa406], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/ode.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986734) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D9A5719E, size=196608, md5=[d6c3456a2fd62fdd97c019e5f78aa406]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986734) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986734) Parsing section file_22
~ FZ: (6436) (421986734) [FM]Updating file info for bin\OpenAL32.dll, size=44544, crc=676A32EA, md5=[ddcb8d78b8cf319070c5b211ad273a6d], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/OpenAL32.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986765) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=676A32EA, size=44544, md5=[ddcb8d78b8cf319070c5b211ad273a6d]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986765) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986765) Parsing section file_23
~ FZ: (6436) (421986765) [FM]Updating file info for bin\wrap_oal.dll, size=369152, crc=D968132A, md5=[a69443472692017e240ff2f1fd706acc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/wrap_oal.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986796) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D968132A, size=369152, md5=[a69443472692017e240ff2f1fd706acc]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986796) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986796) Parsing section file_24
~ FZ: (6436) (421986796) [FM]Updating file info for bin\x006_launcher.exe, size=246784, crc=C5B25754, md5=[ad3491e2567d0e9cf7bf6b9c30a4832f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/x006_launcher_v101.exe, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986843) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C5B25754, size=246784, md5=[ad3491e2567d0e9cf7bf6b9c30a4832f]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986843) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986843) Parsing section file_25
~ FZ: (6436) (421986843) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCDB.dll, size=81920, crc=92F105FE, md5=[28fef3c1e4a3de265ae707ea3212731a], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCDB.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986875) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=92F105FE, size=81920, md5=[28fef3c1e4a3de265ae707ea3212731a]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986875) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986875) Parsing section file_26
~ FZ: (6436) (421986875) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCore.dll, size=856064, crc=5D036030, md5=[b19b58b104e643f62209a3073dfcfbd3], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCore.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986921) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=5D036030, size=856064, md5=[b19b58b104e643f62209a3073dfcfbd3]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986921) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986921) Parsing section file_27
~ FZ: (6436) (421986921) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCPU_Pipe.dll, size=13824, crc=A8003A00, md5=[6c0b65f39e1892e5e4b12bdbaa852421], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCPU_Pipe.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986953) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8003A00, size=13824, md5=[6c0b65f39e1892e5e4b12bdbaa852421]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986953) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986953) Parsing section file_28
~ FZ: (6436) (421986953) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrD3D9-Null.dll, size=15872, crc=16A70AC4, md5=[b212e440b16b3e63b95b0e0932b96328], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrD3D9-Null.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421986984) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=16A70AC4, size=15872, md5=[b212e440b16b3e63b95b0e0932b96328]
~ FZ: (6436) (421986984) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421986984) Parsing section file_29
~ FZ: (6436) (421986984) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrGame.dll, size=6508544, crc=92AE6C93, md5=[5e15e82d4862438c81bf9f94c3094359], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGame.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987125) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=92AE6C93, size=6508544, md5=[5e15e82d4862438c81bf9f94c3094359]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987125) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987125) Parsing section file_30
~ FZ: (6436) (421987125) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrGameSpy.dll, size=102400, crc=68769242, md5=[a9725e3d7c9256d205d684735eb7af14], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGameSpy.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987140) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=68769242, size=102400, md5=[a9725e3d7c9256d205d684735eb7af14]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987140) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987140) Parsing section file_31
~ FZ: (6436) (421987140) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrLua.dll, size=290816, crc=FA187579, md5=[a65ba53867962afc92e0f17409e9cd1f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrLua.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987171) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=FA187579, size=290816, md5=[a65ba53867962afc92e0f17409e9cd1f]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987171) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987171) Parsing section file_32
~ FZ: (6436) (421987171) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrNetServer.dll, size=94208, crc=FDD7CDF9, md5=[b55222c941ffd82349d65c861aebcdd2], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrNetServer.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987203) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=FDD7CDF9, size=94208, md5=[b55222c941ffd82349d65c861aebcdd2]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987203) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987203) Parsing section file_33
~ FZ: (6436) (421987203) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrParticles.dll, size=98304, crc=D2C2CF32, md5=[22bad4d258e6211c6ea7cc8dc8d7ca55], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrParticles.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987250) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D2C2CF32, size=98304, md5=[22bad4d258e6211c6ea7cc8dc8d7ca55]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987250) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987250) Parsing section file_34
~ FZ: (6436) (421987250) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrRender_R1.dll, size=700416, crc=BB7F3292, md5=[c12aabec7b989a45110363d8d3f8bf9e], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R1.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987281) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=BB7F3292, size=700416, md5=[c12aabec7b989a45110363d8d3f8bf9e]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987281) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987281) Parsing section file_35
~ FZ: (6436) (421987281) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrRender_R2.dll, size=802816, crc=783AB4AB, md5=[e2e3dd96d92023d5717567ae8c527602], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R2.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987328) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=783AB4AB, size=802816, md5=[e2e3dd96d92023d5717567ae8c527602]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987328) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987328) Parsing section file_36
~ FZ: (6436) (421987328) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrSound.dll, size=229376, crc=C5A31F1B, md5=[fa11ae36e725505ad68082ec87ed413d], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrSound.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987359) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C5A31F1B, size=229376, md5=[fa11ae36e725505ad68082ec87ed413d]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987359) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987359) Parsing section file_37
~ FZ: (6436) (421987359) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrXMLParser.dll, size=57344, crc=05403723, md5=[28c2beacb3a956b46ce464fb31709cbb], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrXMLParser.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987390) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=05403723, size=57344, md5=[28c2beacb3a956b46ce464fb31709cbb]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987390) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987390) Parsing section file_38
~ FZ: (6436) (421987390) [FM]Updating file info for bin\XR_3DA.eng, size=1897152, crc=4A0BA08C, md5=[800c752e61cd8fce39678b9a57b95fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.eng, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987468) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4A0BA08C, size=1897152, md5=[800c752e61cd8fce39678b9a57b95fdc]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987468) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987468) Parsing section file_39
~ FZ: (6436) (421987468) [FM]Updating file info for bin\XR_3DA.rus, size=1897152, crc=2425E26D, md5=[b8c9c2c9eaa1cfc09ba75a8c93d7167f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.rus, compression 0
~ FZ: (6436) (421987484) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=2425E26D, size=1897152, md5=[b8c9c2c9eaa1cfc09ba75a8c93d7167f]
~ FZ: (6436) (421987484) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (6436) (421987484) File list "engine_filelist.ini" processed, time 1578 ms
~ FZ: (6436) (421987484) =======Preprocessing files=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) =======Sorting files=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]=======File list dump start=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]engine_filelist.ini, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]efx.ini, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\niivolna_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\17go_dust2_source_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xr_3DA.exe, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]gamedata_filelist.ini, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\crypto.mdx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\user.ltx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\mp_lighthouse_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\localization.xdb, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]fsgame.ltx, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]master_mods_filelist.ini, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\efx.ini, action=1, size 110(110), crc32 8765AF8D(8765AF8D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/efx.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, action=1, size 1869(1869), crc32 1A12405F(1A12405F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, action=1, size 1869(1869), crc32 1A12405F(1A12405F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrCPU_Pipe.dll, action=1, size 13824(13824), crc32 A8003A00(A8003A00), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCPU_Pipe.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrD3D9-Null.dll, action=1, size 15872(15872), crc32 16A70AC4(16A70AC4), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrD3D9-Null.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\OpenAL32.dll, action=1, size 44544(44544), crc32 676A32EA(676A32EA), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/OpenAL32.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\hrtf\default-44100.mhr, action=1, size 53853(53853), crc32 336AC4E1(336AC4E1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-44100.mhr
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\hrtf\default-48000.mhr, action=1, size 53853(53853), crc32 28EA2A46(28EA2A46), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-48000.mhr
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrXMLParser.dll, action=1, size 57344(57344), crc32 05403723(05403723), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrXMLParser.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, action=1, size 81920(81920), crc32 4DADF143(4DADF143), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEServer.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrCDB.dll, action=1, size 81920(81920), crc32 92F105FE(92F105FE), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCDB.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, action=1, size 86016(86016), crc32 994B1D5C(994B1D5C), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEClient.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrNetServer.dll, action=1, size 94208(94208), crc32 FDD7CDF9(FDD7CDF9), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrNetServer.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\EnvFX.rtf, action=1, size 98123(98123), crc32 012CECDB(012CECDB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/EnvFX.rtf
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrParticles.dll, action=1, size 98304(98304), crc32 D2C2CF32(D2C2CF32), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrParticles.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrGameSpy.dll, action=1, size 102400(102400), crc32 68769242(68769242), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGameSpy.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\hrtf\CIAIR-44100.mhr, action=1, size 163981(163981), crc32 3766E76B(3766E76B), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/CIAIR-44100.mhr
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\BugTrap.dll, action=1, size 180224(180224), crc32 4ACE2F3A(4ACE2F3A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BugTrap.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\eax.dll, action=1, size 188416(188416), crc32 18BB99C2(18BB99C2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/eax.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\ode.dll, action=1, size 196608(196608), crc32 D9A5719E(D9A5719E), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/ode.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrSound.dll, action=1, size 229376(229376), crc32 C5A31F1B(C5A31F1B), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrSound.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\x006_launcher.exe, action=1, size 246784(246784), crc32 C5B25754(C5B25754), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/x006_launcher_v101.exe
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrLua.dll, action=1, size 290816(290816), crc32 FA187579(FA187579), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrLua.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\wrap_oal.dll, action=1, size 369152(369152), crc32 D968132A(D968132A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/wrap_oal.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\msvcp80.dll, action=1, size 554832(554832), crc32 F4257BB1(F4257BB1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcp80.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\msvcp80.dll, action=1, size 554832(554832), crc32 F4257BB1(F4257BB1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcp80.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\msvcr80.dll, action=1, size 632656(632656), crc32 83346AB8(83346AB8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcr80.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\msvcr80.dll, action=1, size 632656(632656), crc32 83346AB8(83346AB8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcr80.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dbghelp.dll, action=1, size 640000(640000), crc32 93E93DE8(93E93DE8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dbghelp.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrRender_R1.dll, action=1, size 700416(700416), crc32 BB7F3292(BB7F3292), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R1.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\localization.rus, action=1, size 739794(739794), crc32 6E516AF7(6E516AF7), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.rus.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrRender_R2.dll, action=1, size 802816(802816), crc32 783AB4AB(783AB4AB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R2.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrCore.dll, action=1, size 856064(856064), crc32 5D036030(5D036030), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCore.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\localization.eng, action=1, size 1210392(1210392), crc32 AF59293A(AF59293A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.eng.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\XR_3DA.exe, action=1, size 1598144(1598144), crc32 10BAFAD2(10BAFAD2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/XR_3DA.exe
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\XR_3DA.eng, action=1, size 1897152(1897152), crc32 4A0BA08C(4A0BA08C), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.eng
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\XR_3DA.rus, action=1, size 1897152(1897152), crc32 2425E26D(2425E26D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.rus
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\configs.xdb, action=1, size 1942383(1942383), crc32 0BF76B2A(0BF76B2A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/configs.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\d3dx9_31.dll, action=1, size 2414360(2414360), crc32 A8F72BD8(A8F72BD8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_31.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\d3dx9_31.dll, action=1, size 2414360(2414360), crc32 A8F72BD8(A8F72BD8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_31.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\shaders.xdb, action=1, size 3828781(3828781), crc32 9B562B35(9B562B35), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/shaders.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\d3dx9_41.dll, action=1, size 4178264(4178264), crc32 E8C117BB(E8C117BB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_41.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\dedicated\d3dx9_41.dll, action=1, size 4178264(4178264), crc32 E8C117BB(E8C117BB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_41.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]bin\xrGame.dll, action=1, size 6508544(6508544), crc32 92AE6C93(92AE6C93), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGame.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\xpatch.xdb, action=2, size 1039408(10201300), crc32 66D22204(0AACFE94), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\textures4.xdb, action=1, size 23734988(23734988), crc32 8674C8A9(8674C8A9), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures4.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\sounds.xdb, action=1, size 44182097(44182097), crc32 F1F595AB(F1F595AB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/sounds.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\textures2.xdb, action=1, size 68416098(68416098), crc32 02250295(02250295), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures2.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\meshes.xdb, action=1, size 73438846(73438846), crc32 6296E58D(6296E58D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/meshes.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\levels1.xdb, action=1, size 73907781(73907781), crc32 C3953253(C3953253), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels1.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\levels2.xdb, action=1, size 75441972(75441972), crc32 AC19556F(AC19556F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels2.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\textures1.xdb, action=1, size 77922716(77922716), crc32 D72457DD(D72457DD), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures1.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\textures3.xdb, action=1, size 120574187(120574187), crc32 0D92D8E2(0D92D8E2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures3.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]mods\levels3.xdb, action=1, size 155729560(155729560), crc32 B5EE23E8(B5EE23E8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels3.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987500) [FM]=======File list dump end=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) =======Actualizing game data=======
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Deleting file master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Deleting file fsgame.ltx
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Deleting file mods\localization.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\mp_lighthouse_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\user.ltx
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix.log
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\crypto.mdx
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Deleting file bin\xr_3DA.exe
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\BattlEye\BEClient.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\17go_dust2_source_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\niivolna_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Deleting file efx.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\BattlEye\BEServer.dll
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Ignoring file engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Total up-to-date size 754281493
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Total downloads size 10201300
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Starting downloads
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [FM]Starting download of http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb from http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421987531) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb opened, handle is 2356
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [DL]Set request id=82705768 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Download started for dl 471846552, handle 82705768
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421987531) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [TH]Close file handle 2356
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb with result 0
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (1196) (421997937) [CB]Unpacker thread started
~ FZ: (1196) (421997937) [DECOMPR]Trying to unpack d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (1196) (421997937) [DECOMPR]Running command EXPAND "d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb" "d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb.tmp"
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (7308) (421997937) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (1196) (421998203) [DECOMPR]Unpacked file size is 10201300
~ FZ: (1196) (421998203) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (1196) (421998203) [CB]Unpacker thread finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421998296) [FM]Need free slot contained d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421998296) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421998296) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\mods\xpatch.xdb
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [FM]Request stop
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [FM]Delete downloaders
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (7308) (421998500) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (6436) (421998500) [FM]Verifying downloaded
~ FZ: (6436) (421998546) [FM]Run finish callback
~ FZ: (6436) (421998546) [FM]All downloads finished
~ FZ: (6436) (421998546) Building fsltx
~ FZ: (6436) (421998546) full_install False, shared patches False
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) Use direct IP
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) Prepare to restart client
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) Using player name
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) User-defined restart params:
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) cmdapp: d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\bin\x006_launcher.exe
~ FZ: (6436) (421998578) cmdline: x006_launcher.exe  -fz_nomod -fzmod socx0006 -start client(
~ FZ: (6436) (421998640) Mutex found, deleting
~ FZ: (6436) (421998656) Releasing resources

PS. Еще из заметных проблем анимации/синхронизация. Анимки либо не успевают срабатывать(например прыжок_в_бок+бег), либо не обрабатываются. Из-за чего бывает сложно попасть в цель.

Сообщение отредактировал Roman - 30.03.2020, 16:03

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
Перейти в начало страницы
сообщение 31.03.2020, 19:24
Сообщение #97

Игровой Бог

Репутация:   1690  
Куратор темы
Сообщений: 7021
Регистрация: 22.02.2006

Вставить ник Цитировать выделенное в форуму быстрого ответа

Цитата(Roman @ 30.03.2020, 15:56) *
Обидно, стал выбивать из игры через 10 минут.

На какой карте были проблемы? Сегодня на Галактике играла куча народу, ни единого разрыва за полчаса. Потом вылетело, но это уже другая история. laugh.gif

Сообщение отредактировал macron - 31.03.2020, 20:05
Перейти в начало страницы
сообщение 01.04.2020, 19:39
Сообщение #98


Репутация:   56  
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 857
Награды: 3
Регистрация: 08.03.2009

Вставить ник Цитировать выделенное в форуму быстрого ответа

Да воообще на любой может быть. Но это была либо Маяк либо Пыль.
Седня вот еще вылетело с желтым экраном на Бассейне.

* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel P3 family, F6/M10/S7, 3310.00 mhz, 28-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2

Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 39931 files cached, 5665Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.785057 sec
'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008

Initializing Engine...
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* [win32]: free[4018104 K], reserved[74344 K], committed[101792 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[7495 K], process heap[2900 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[1032 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx"...
! Unknown command:  r__dtex_range
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_end
! Unknown command:  r__ssa_glod_start
! Unknown command:  r__wallmark_ttl
! Unknown command:  rs_detail
! Unknown command:  rs_skeleton_update
! Unknown command:  vid_bpp
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\rspec_extreme.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:\games\stalker_mp\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
devices Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: system  default SndDevice name is Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default)
SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1
SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software.
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65538 kb, 7609 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:DC4]: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 22
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
*     Texture memory: 4061 M
*          DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
count of .thm files=1
load time=22 ms
* NULLRT supported
* ...and used
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* NV-DBT supported and used
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
Starting engine...
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_icon_rank.xml] returns [ui_mp_icon_rank.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_map.xml] returns [ui_icons_map.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_common.xml] returns [ui_common.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_old_textures.xml] returns [ui_old_textures.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_ingame.xml] returns [ui_ingame.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_map_description.xml] returns [ui_map_description.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_models_multiplayer.xml] returns [ui_models_multiplayer.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo.xml] returns [ui_team_logo.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_team_logo_small.xml] returns [ui_team_logo_small.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mainmenu.xml] returns [ui_mainmenu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mp_main.xml] returns [ui_mp_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_statistics.xml] returns [ui_statistics.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_hud.xml] returns [ui_hud.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_numpad.xml] returns [ui_numpad.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory.xml] returns [ui_inventory.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_inventory2.xml] returns [ui_inventory2.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_iconstotal.xml] returns [ui_iconstotal.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_pda.xml] returns [ui_pda.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_icons_npc.xml] returns [ui_icons_npc.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_monster.xml] returns [ui_npc_monster.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_npc_unique.xml] returns [ui_npc_unique.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_buy_menu.xml] returns [ui_buy_menu.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_asus_intro.xml] returns [ui_asus_intro.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[color_defs.xml] returns [color_defs.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[hint_item.xml] returns [hint_item.xml]
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
No new patches are available.
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 16
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [488 ms]
"xr_3da.exe" -nointro
* phase time: 59 ms
* phase cmem: 104751 K
Клиент: Соединение с
- IPureClient : created on port 5446!
* HOST #1: testers_mp_pool

BattlEye Client: Initialized
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
! Unknown system message
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
! client : connection rejected - <>
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
cl_netADR_Server 1
cl_netADR_Device 1
cl_netCORE 1
* phase time: 15252 ms
* phase cmem: 105235 K
* [win32]: free[3619324 K], reserved[217704 K], committed[357212 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[6012 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[105235 K], process heap[25487 K], game lua[2249 K], engine lua[179 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[513 K], smem[0 K]
! Failed to start client. Check the connection or level existance.
- Destroying level
~ FZ: (4844) (608345171) Modules inited
~ FZ: (4844) (608345171) Path to loader is: d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx
~ FZ: (4844) (608345171) Starting working thread
~ FZ: (4844) (608345171) Free modules
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Modules inited
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) FreeZone Mod Loader
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Build date: 2018/09/09
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Mod name is "socx0006"
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Mod params "-srv -srvport 8624 -includename -preservemessage"
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Working thread started
~ FZ: (4592) (608345171) Initial message status is True
~ FZ: (4592) (608345218) Starting visual download
No new patches are available.
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_main.xml] returns [ui_mm_main.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabclient.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_tabserver.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_taboptions.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[ui_mm_mp_gs_ext.xml] returns [ui_mm_mp_gs_ext_16.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[message_box.xml] returns [message_box.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
! Unable to find Software\GSC Game World\STALKER-SHOC\ in registry
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
[16-9] get_xml_name for[scroll_bar.xml] returns [scroll_bar.xml]
xrGSB Refresh Stopped

~ FZ: (4592) (608345343) Prepare for message displaying
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) Activating message
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) Path to mod is d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FreeZoneMods/modmasterlinks/master/links.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (4592) (608345359) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini opened, handle is 2468
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [DL]Set request id=62092336 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Download started for dl 470982960, handle 62092336
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345359) [TH]Processing commands finished
No new patches are available.
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [TH]Close file handle 2468
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (5600) (608345671) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (5600) (608345765) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) No engine mod, approved
~ FZ: (4592) (608345765) Mod socx0006 found in master list
~ FZ: (4592) (608345781) =======Processing game resources list=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) Downloading list http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_gamedata.ini to d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini from http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_gamedata.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (4592) (608345796) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini opened, handle is 2504
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [DL]Set request id=62092336 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Download started for dl 470983360, handle 62092336
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345796) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [TH]Close file handle 2504
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (12732) (608345953) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608345984) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345984) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608345984) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608345984) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (12732) (608346000) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (4592) (608346000) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (4592) (608346000) Parsing section file_0
~ FZ: (4592) (608346000) [FM]Updating file info for mods\configs.xdb, size=1942383, crc=0BF76B2A, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/configs.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608346031) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=0BF76B2A, size=1942383, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608346031) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608346031) Parsing section file_1
~ FZ: (4592) (608346031) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels1.xdb, size=73907781, crc=C3953253, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels1.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608346781) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C3953253, size=73907781, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608346781) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608346781) Parsing section file_2
~ FZ: (4592) (608346781) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels2.xdb, size=75441972, crc=AC19556F, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels2.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608347562) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=AC19556F, size=75441972, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608347562) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608347562) Parsing section file_3
~ FZ: (4592) (608347562) [FM]Updating file info for mods\levels3.xdb, size=155729560, crc=B5EE23E8, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels3.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608349265) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=B5EE23E8, size=155729560, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608349265) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608349265) Parsing section file_4
~ FZ: (4592) (608349265) [FM]Updating file info for mods\localization.eng, size=1210392, crc=AF59293A, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.eng.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608349296) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=AF59293A, size=1210392, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608349296) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608349296) Parsing section file_5
~ FZ: (4592) (608349296) [FM]Updating file info for mods\localization.rus, size=739794, crc=6E516AF7, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.rus.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608349328) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=6E516AF7, size=739794, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608349328) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608349328) Parsing section file_6
~ FZ: (4592) (608349328) [FM]Updating file info for mods\meshes.xdb, size=73438846, crc=6296E58D, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/meshes.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608349875) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=6296E58D, size=73438846, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608349875) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608349875) Parsing section file_7
~ FZ: (4592) (608349875) [FM]Updating file info for mods\shaders.xdb, size=3828781, crc=9B562B35, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/shaders.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608349953) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=9B562B35, size=3828781, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608349953) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608349953) Parsing section file_8
~ FZ: (4592) (608349953) [FM]Updating file info for mods\sounds.xdb, size=44182097, crc=F1F595AB, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/sounds.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608350359) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F1F595AB, size=44182097, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608350359) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608350359) Parsing section file_9
~ FZ: (4592) (608350359) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures1.xdb, size=77922716, crc=D72457DD, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures1.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608350859) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D72457DD, size=77922716, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608350859) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608350859) Parsing section file_10
~ FZ: (4592) (608350859) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures2.xdb, size=68416098, crc=02250295, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures2.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608351593) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=02250295, size=68416098, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608351593) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608351593) Parsing section file_11
~ FZ: (4592) (608351593) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures3.xdb, size=120574187, crc=0D92D8E2, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures3.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608351906) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=0D92D8E2, size=120574187, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608351906) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608351906) Parsing section file_12
~ FZ: (4592) (608351906) [FM]Updating file info for mods\textures4.xdb, size=23734988, crc=8674C8A9, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures4.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608352140) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=8674C8A9, size=23734988, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352140) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352140) Parsing section file_13
~ FZ: (4592) (608352140) [FM]Updating file info for mods\xpatch.xdb, size=10201300, crc=0AACFE94, md5=[], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab, compression 2
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=0AACFE94, size=10201300, md5=[]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) File list "gamedata_filelist.ini" processed, time 6250 ms
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) Downloading list http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_engine.ini to d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) Creating CURL dl thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Created downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini from http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/list_engine.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Start sync DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Start async DL of d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Downloader acquired (cnt=2) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [Q]Put command 0 into DL queue for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [Q]Command in queue, count=1, capacity=1
~ FZ: (4592) (608352250) [DL]Waiting for DL finished d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352250) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (11304) (608352250) [TH]Start processing commands (1)
~ FZ: (11304) (608352250) [TH]Command "Add" for downloader d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352250) [TH]Opening file d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [TH]File d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini opened, handle is 1328
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [TH]Setting up DL handle
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [DL]Set request id=62092336 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [TH]Download started for dl 470983440, handle 62092336
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [TH]Command processed, active downloaders count 1
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=1) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352265) [TH]Processing commands finished
~ FZ: (11304) (608352281) [TH]Close file handle 1328
~ FZ: (11304) (608352281) [CB]Download finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini with result 0
~ FZ: (11304) (608352281) [DL]Set request id=0 for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352296) [TH]Removing from active list DL d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352296) [DL]Downloader released (cnt=0) d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (11304) (608352296) [TH]Active downloaders count 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [DL]Wait for DL finished for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [DL]Destroying downloader for d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (11304) (608352359) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) Parsing section file_0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352359) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, size=86016, crc=994B1D5C, md5=[f69c2017f12085bc668c207b3fe3a588], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEClient.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352375) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=994B1D5C, size=86016, md5=[f69c2017f12085bc668c207b3fe3a588]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352375) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352375) Parsing section file_1
~ FZ: (4592) (608352375) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, size=81920, crc=4DADF143, md5=[1241a5d6ad416d63ba40295a90c03056], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEServer.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352390) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4DADF143, size=81920, md5=[1241a5d6ad416d63ba40295a90c03056]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352390) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352390) Parsing section file_2
~ FZ: (4592) (608352390) [FM]Updating file info for bin\BugTrap.dll, size=180224, crc=4ACE2F3A, md5=[28547992d8fa15744ed39daf76129285], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BugTrap.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352406) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4ACE2F3A, size=180224, md5=[28547992d8fa15744ed39daf76129285]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352406) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352406) Parsing section file_3
~ FZ: (4592) (608352406) [FM]Updating file info for bin\d3dx9_31.dll, size=2414360, crc=A8F72BD8, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_31.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352453) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8F72BD8, size=2414360, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352453) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352453) Parsing section file_4
~ FZ: (4592) (608352453) [FM]Updating file info for bin\d3dx9_41.dll, size=4178264, crc=E8C117BB, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_41.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352500) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=E8C117BB, size=4178264, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352500) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352500) Parsing section file_5
~ FZ: (4592) (608352515) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dbghelp.dll, size=640000, crc=93E93DE8, md5=[6479a184873f7ca797ff0375d711e9a6], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dbghelp.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352531) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=93E93DE8, size=640000, md5=[6479a184873f7ca797ff0375d711e9a6]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352531) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352531) Parsing section file_6
~ FZ: (4592) (608352531) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\d3dx9_31.dll, size=2414360, crc=A8F72BD8, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_31.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352578) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8F72BD8, size=2414360, md5=[797e24743937d67d69f28f2cf5052ee8]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352578) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352578) Parsing section file_7
~ FZ: (4592) (608352578) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\d3dx9_41.dll, size=4178264, crc=E8C117BB, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_41.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=E8C117BB, size=4178264, md5=[3fa06cf5079b84155d18b05c08f7131b]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) Parsing section file_8
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, size=1869, crc=1A12405F, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=1A12405F, size=1869, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352640) Parsing section file_9
~ FZ: (4592) (608352656) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\msvcp80.dll, size=554832, crc=F4257BB1, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcp80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352687) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F4257BB1, size=554832, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352687) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352687) Parsing section file_10
~ FZ: (4592) (608352687) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\msvcr80.dll, size=632656, crc=83346AB8, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcr80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352718) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=83346AB8, size=632656, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352718) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352718) Parsing section file_11
~ FZ: (4592) (608352718) [FM]Updating file info for bin\dedicated\XR_3DA.exe, size=1598144, crc=10BAFAD2, md5=[8684fb022093ef7ea8a2bb4363502519], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/XR_3DA.exe, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352796) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=10BAFAD2, size=1598144, md5=[8684fb022093ef7ea8a2bb4363502519]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352796) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352796) Parsing section file_12
~ FZ: (4592) (608352796) [FM]Updating file info for bin\eax.dll, size=188416, crc=18BB99C2, md5=[a7b6dde9db9dd88ad4f658c55cf9d231], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/eax.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=18BB99C2, size=188416, md5=[a7b6dde9db9dd88ad4f658c55cf9d231]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) Parsing section file_13
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Updating file info for bin\efx.ini, size=110, crc=8765AF8D, md5=[65183569cdfbec1d19d92c8521a22972], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/efx.ini, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=8765AF8D, size=110, md5=[65183569cdfbec1d19d92c8521a22972]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) Parsing section file_14
~ FZ: (4592) (608352812) [FM]Updating file info for bin\EnvFX.rtf, size=98123, crc=012CECDB, md5=[afb02bd4d9b06892f4e39c62bfeb2fee], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/EnvFX.rtf, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352828) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=012CECDB, size=98123, md5=[afb02bd4d9b06892f4e39c62bfeb2fee]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352828) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352828) Parsing section file_15
~ FZ: (4592) (608352828) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\CIAIR-44100.mhr, size=163981, crc=3766E76B, md5=[eb7dbe430d19fbc100318505f39e7e18], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/CIAIR-44100.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=3766E76B, size=163981, md5=[eb7dbe430d19fbc100318505f39e7e18]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) Parsing section file_16
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\default-44100.mhr, size=53853, crc=336AC4E1, md5=[a687ea1378364ad6025ca63d2f67b6c1], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-44100.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=336AC4E1, size=53853, md5=[a687ea1378364ad6025ca63d2f67b6c1]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) Parsing section file_17
~ FZ: (4592) (608352843) [FM]Updating file info for bin\hrtf\default-48000.mhr, size=53853, crc=28EA2A46, md5=[18891c0a4fadb32e4986a261f1a65dea], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-48000.mhr, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352890) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=28EA2A46, size=53853, md5=[18891c0a4fadb32e4986a261f1a65dea]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352890) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352890) Parsing section file_18
~ FZ: (4592) (608352890) [FM]Updating file info for bin\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, size=1869, crc=1A12405F, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352921) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=1A12405F, size=1869, md5=[541423a06efdcd4e4554c719061f82cf]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352921) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352921) Parsing section file_19
~ FZ: (4592) (608352921) [FM]Updating file info for bin\msvcp80.dll, size=554832, crc=F4257BB1, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcp80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608352968) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=F4257BB1, size=554832, md5=[0b3595a4ff0b36d68e5fc67fd7d70fdc]
~ FZ: (4592) (608352968) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608352968) Parsing section file_20
~ FZ: (4592) (608352968) [FM]Updating file info for bin\msvcr80.dll, size=632656, crc=83346AB8, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcr80.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=83346AB8, size=632656, md5=[c9564cf4976e7e96b4052737aa2492b4]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) Parsing section file_21
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Updating file info for bin\ode.dll, size=196608, crc=D9A5719E, md5=[d6c3456a2fd62fdd97c019e5f78aa406], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/ode.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D9A5719E, size=196608, md5=[d6c3456a2fd62fdd97c019e5f78aa406]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) Parsing section file_22
~ FZ: (4592) (608353015) [FM]Updating file info for bin\OpenAL32.dll, size=44544, crc=676A32EA, md5=[ddcb8d78b8cf319070c5b211ad273a6d], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/OpenAL32.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353031) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=676A32EA, size=44544, md5=[ddcb8d78b8cf319070c5b211ad273a6d]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353031) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353031) Parsing section file_23
~ FZ: (4592) (608353031) [FM]Updating file info for bin\wrap_oal.dll, size=369152, crc=D968132A, md5=[a69443472692017e240ff2f1fd706acc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/wrap_oal.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D968132A, size=369152, md5=[a69443472692017e240ff2f1fd706acc]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) Parsing section file_24
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Updating file info for bin\x006_launcher.exe, size=246784, crc=C5B25754, md5=[ad3491e2567d0e9cf7bf6b9c30a4832f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/x006_launcher_v101.exe, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C5B25754, size=246784, md5=[ad3491e2567d0e9cf7bf6b9c30a4832f]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) Parsing section file_25
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCDB.dll, size=81920, crc=92F105FE, md5=[28fef3c1e4a3de265ae707ea3212731a], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCDB.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=92F105FE, size=81920, md5=[28fef3c1e4a3de265ae707ea3212731a]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) Parsing section file_26
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCore.dll, size=856064, crc=5D036030, md5=[b19b58b104e643f62209a3073dfcfbd3], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCore.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=5D036030, size=856064, md5=[b19b58b104e643f62209a3073dfcfbd3]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353046) Parsing section file_27
~ FZ: (4592) (608353062) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrCPU_Pipe.dll, size=13824, crc=A8003A00, md5=[6c0b65f39e1892e5e4b12bdbaa852421], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCPU_Pipe.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353062) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=A8003A00, size=13824, md5=[6c0b65f39e1892e5e4b12bdbaa852421]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353062) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353062) Parsing section file_28
~ FZ: (4592) (608353062) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrD3D9-Null.dll, size=15872, crc=16A70AC4, md5=[b212e440b16b3e63b95b0e0932b96328], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrD3D9-Null.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353078) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=16A70AC4, size=15872, md5=[b212e440b16b3e63b95b0e0932b96328]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353078) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353078) Parsing section file_29
~ FZ: (4592) (608353078) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrGame.dll, size=6508544, crc=92AE6C93, md5=[5e15e82d4862438c81bf9f94c3094359], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGame.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=92AE6C93, size=6508544, md5=[5e15e82d4862438c81bf9f94c3094359]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) Parsing section file_30
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrGameSpy.dll, size=102400, crc=68769242, md5=[a9725e3d7c9256d205d684735eb7af14], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGameSpy.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=68769242, size=102400, md5=[a9725e3d7c9256d205d684735eb7af14]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) Parsing section file_31
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrLua.dll, size=290816, crc=FA187579, md5=[a65ba53867962afc92e0f17409e9cd1f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrLua.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=FA187579, size=290816, md5=[a65ba53867962afc92e0f17409e9cd1f]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) Parsing section file_32
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrNetServer.dll, size=94208, crc=FDD7CDF9, md5=[b55222c941ffd82349d65c861aebcdd2], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrNetServer.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=FDD7CDF9, size=94208, md5=[b55222c941ffd82349d65c861aebcdd2]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) Parsing section file_33
~ FZ: (4592) (608353156) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrParticles.dll, size=98304, crc=D2C2CF32, md5=[22bad4d258e6211c6ea7cc8dc8d7ca55], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrParticles.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=D2C2CF32, size=98304, md5=[22bad4d258e6211c6ea7cc8dc8d7ca55]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) Parsing section file_34
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrRender_R1.dll, size=700416, crc=BB7F3292, md5=[c12aabec7b989a45110363d8d3f8bf9e], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R1.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=BB7F3292, size=700416, md5=[c12aabec7b989a45110363d8d3f8bf9e]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) Parsing section file_35
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrRender_R2.dll, size=802816, crc=783AB4AB, md5=[e2e3dd96d92023d5717567ae8c527602], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R2.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=783AB4AB, size=802816, md5=[e2e3dd96d92023d5717567ae8c527602]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) Parsing section file_36
~ FZ: (4592) (608353171) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrSound.dll, size=229376, crc=C5A31F1B, md5=[fa11ae36e725505ad68082ec87ed413d], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrSound.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=C5A31F1B, size=229376, md5=[fa11ae36e725505ad68082ec87ed413d]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) Parsing section file_37
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Updating file info for bin\xrXMLParser.dll, size=57344, crc=05403723, md5=[28c2beacb3a956b46ce464fb31709cbb], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrXMLParser.dll, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=05403723, size=57344, md5=[28c2beacb3a956b46ce464fb31709cbb]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) Parsing section file_38
~ FZ: (4592) (608353187) [FM]Updating file info for bin\XR_3DA.eng, size=1897152, crc=4A0BA08C, md5=[800c752e61cd8fce39678b9a57b95fdc], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.eng, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353218) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=4A0BA08C, size=1897152, md5=[800c752e61cd8fce39678b9a57b95fdc]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353218) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353218) Parsing section file_39
~ FZ: (4592) (608353218) [FM]Updating file info for bin\XR_3DA.rus, size=1897152, crc=2425E26D, md5=[b8c9c2c9eaa1cfc09ba75a8c93d7167f], url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.rus, compression 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]Current file info: CRC32=2425E26D, size=1897152, md5=[b8c9c2c9eaa1cfc09ba75a8c93d7167f]
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]Entry exists, file up-to-date
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) File list "engine_filelist.ini" processed, time 875 ms
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) =======Preprocessing files=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) =======Sorting files=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]=======File list dump start=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]master_mods_filelist.ini, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]engine_filelist.ini, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_21-45-26.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\crypto.mdx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_15-41-31.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\user.ltx, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_15-41-31.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]fsgame.ltx, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\niivolna_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]efx.ini, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_21-45-26.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xr_3DA.exe, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp.log, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\screenshots\ss_sodix_03-31-20_21-10-34_(niivolna).jpg, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\localization.xdb, action=0, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]gamedata_filelist.ini, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\17go_dust2_source_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\mp_lighthouse_1.0.xdb.map, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]userdata\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, action=3, size 0(0), crc32 00000000(00000000), url=
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\efx.ini, action=1, size 110(110), crc32 8765AF8D(8765AF8D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/efx.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, action=1, size 1869(1869), crc32 1A12405F(1A12405F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest, action=1, size 1869(1869), crc32 1A12405F(1A12405F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrCPU_Pipe.dll, action=1, size 13824(13824), crc32 A8003A00(A8003A00), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCPU_Pipe.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrD3D9-Null.dll, action=1, size 15872(15872), crc32 16A70AC4(16A70AC4), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrD3D9-Null.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\OpenAL32.dll, action=1, size 44544(44544), crc32 676A32EA(676A32EA), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/OpenAL32.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\hrtf\default-44100.mhr, action=1, size 53853(53853), crc32 336AC4E1(336AC4E1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-44100.mhr
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\hrtf\default-48000.mhr, action=1, size 53853(53853), crc32 28EA2A46(28EA2A46), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/default-48000.mhr
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrXMLParser.dll, action=1, size 57344(57344), crc32 05403723(05403723), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrXMLParser.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\BattlEye\BEServer.dll, action=1, size 81920(81920), crc32 4DADF143(4DADF143), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEServer.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrCDB.dll, action=1, size 81920(81920), crc32 92F105FE(92F105FE), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCDB.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\BattlEye\BEClient.dll, action=1, size 86016(86016), crc32 994B1D5C(994B1D5C), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BattlEye/BEClient.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrNetServer.dll, action=1, size 94208(94208), crc32 FDD7CDF9(FDD7CDF9), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrNetServer.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\EnvFX.rtf, action=1, size 98123(98123), crc32 012CECDB(012CECDB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/EnvFX.rtf
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrParticles.dll, action=1, size 98304(98304), crc32 D2C2CF32(D2C2CF32), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrParticles.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrGameSpy.dll, action=1, size 102400(102400), crc32 68769242(68769242), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGameSpy.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\hrtf\CIAIR-44100.mhr, action=1, size 163981(163981), crc32 3766E76B(3766E76B), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/hrtf/CIAIR-44100.mhr
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\BugTrap.dll, action=1, size 180224(180224), crc32 4ACE2F3A(4ACE2F3A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/BugTrap.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\eax.dll, action=1, size 188416(188416), crc32 18BB99C2(18BB99C2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/eax.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\ode.dll, action=1, size 196608(196608), crc32 D9A5719E(D9A5719E), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/ode.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrSound.dll, action=1, size 229376(229376), crc32 C5A31F1B(C5A31F1B), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrSound.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\x006_launcher.exe, action=1, size 246784(246784), crc32 C5B25754(C5B25754), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/x006_launcher_v101.exe
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrLua.dll, action=1, size 290816(290816), crc32 FA187579(FA187579), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrLua.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\wrap_oal.dll, action=1, size 369152(369152), crc32 D968132A(D968132A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/wrap_oal.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\msvcp80.dll, action=1, size 554832(554832), crc32 F4257BB1(F4257BB1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcp80.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\msvcp80.dll, action=1, size 554832(554832), crc32 F4257BB1(F4257BB1), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcp80.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\msvcr80.dll, action=1, size 632656(632656), crc32 83346AB8(83346AB8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/msvcr80.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\msvcr80.dll, action=1, size 632656(632656), crc32 83346AB8(83346AB8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/msvcr80.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dbghelp.dll, action=1, size 640000(640000), crc32 93E93DE8(93E93DE8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dbghelp.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrRender_R1.dll, action=1, size 700416(700416), crc32 BB7F3292(BB7F3292), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R1.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\localization.rus, action=1, size 739794(739794), crc32 6E516AF7(6E516AF7), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.rus.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrRender_R2.dll, action=1, size 802816(802816), crc32 783AB4AB(783AB4AB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrRender_R2.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrCore.dll, action=1, size 856064(856064), crc32 5D036030(5D036030), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrCore.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\localization.eng, action=1, size 1210392(1210392), crc32 AF59293A(AF59293A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/localization.eng.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\XR_3DA.exe, action=1, size 1598144(1598144), crc32 10BAFAD2(10BAFAD2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/XR_3DA.exe
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\XR_3DA.eng, action=1, size 1897152(1897152), crc32 4A0BA08C(4A0BA08C), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.eng
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\XR_3DA.rus, action=1, size 1897152(1897152), crc32 2425E26D(2425E26D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/XR_3DA.rus
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\configs.xdb, action=1, size 1942383(1942383), crc32 0BF76B2A(0BF76B2A), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/configs.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\d3dx9_31.dll, action=1, size 2414360(2414360), crc32 A8F72BD8(A8F72BD8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_31.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\d3dx9_31.dll, action=1, size 2414360(2414360), crc32 A8F72BD8(A8F72BD8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_31.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\shaders.xdb, action=1, size 3828781(3828781), crc32 9B562B35(9B562B35), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/shaders.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\d3dx9_41.dll, action=1, size 4178264(4178264), crc32 E8C117BB(E8C117BB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/d3dx9_41.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\dedicated\d3dx9_41.dll, action=1, size 4178264(4178264), crc32 E8C117BB(E8C117BB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/dedicated/d3dx9_41.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]bin\xrGame.dll, action=1, size 6508544(6508544), crc32 92AE6C93(92AE6C93), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/bin/xrGame.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\xpatch.xdb, action=1, size 10201300(10201300), crc32 0AACFE94(0AACFE94), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/xpatch.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\textures4.xdb, action=1, size 23734988(23734988), crc32 8674C8A9(8674C8A9), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures4.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\sounds.xdb, action=1, size 44182097(44182097), crc32 F1F595AB(F1F595AB), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/sounds.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\textures2.xdb, action=1, size 68416098(68416098), crc32 02250295(02250295), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures2.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\meshes.xdb, action=1, size 73438846(73438846), crc32 6296E58D(6296E58D), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/meshes.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\levels1.xdb, action=1, size 73907781(73907781), crc32 C3953253(C3953253), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels1.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\levels2.xdb, action=1, size 75441972(75441972), crc32 AC19556F(AC19556F), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels2.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\textures1.xdb, action=1, size 77922716(77922716), crc32 D72457DD(D72457DD), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures1.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\textures3.xdb, action=1, size 120574187(120574187), crc32 0D92D8E2(0D92D8E2), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/textures3.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]mods\levels3.xdb, action=1, size 155729560(155729560), crc32 B5EE23E8(B5EE23E8), url=http://stalker-life.com/stalker_files/mods_shoc/x0006/mods/levels3.cab
~ FZ: (4592) (608353234) [FM]=======File list dump end=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) =======Actualizing game data=======
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\BattlEye\BEClient.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\mp_lighthouse_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\17go_dust2_source_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file gamedata_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Deleting file mods\localization.xdb
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\screenshots\ss_sodix_03-31-20_21-10-34_(niivolna).jpg
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Deleting file bin\xr_3DA.exe
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_21-45-26.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Deleting file efx.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\niivolna_1.0.xdb.map
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Deleting file fsgame.ltx
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_22-42-44.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_15-41-31.mdmp
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\user.ltx
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_15-41-31.mdmp.log
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-29-20_19-48-32.mdmp
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\crypto.mdx
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix_03-30-20_21-45-26.mdmp
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\logs\xray_sodix.log
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\BattlEye\BEServer.dll
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file engine_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Ignoring file userdata\fz_mod_loader_default.mdx
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Deleting file master_mods_filelist.ini
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Total up-to-date size 764482793
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Total downloads size 0
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [FM]Starting downloads
~ FZ: (4592) (608353250) [TH]Creating downloader thread fun
~ FZ: (1932) (608353250) [TH]DL thread started
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [FM]Request stop
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [FM]Delete downloaders
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [TH]Destroying base downloader thread
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [TH]Waiting for DL thread termination
~ FZ: (1932) (608353359) [TH]DL thread finished
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [Q]Flush commands
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [FM]Run finish callback
~ FZ: (4592) (608353359) [FM]All downloads finished
~ FZ: (4592) (608353375) Building fsltx
~ FZ: (4592) (608353375) full_install False, shared patches False
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) Use direct IP
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) Prepare to restart client
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) Using player name
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) User-defined restart params:
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) cmdapp: d:\games\stalker_mp\_appdata_\.svn\socx0006\bin\x006_launcher.exe
~ FZ: (4592) (608353390) cmdline: x006_launcher.exe  -fz_nomod -fzmod socx0006 -start client(
~ FZ: (4592) (608353484) Mutex found, deleting
~ FZ: (4592) (608353500) Releasing resources

Сообщение отредактировал Roman - 01.04.2020, 20:24

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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сообщение 01.04.2020, 20:06
Сообщение #99

Игровой Бог

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Roman, свои портянки прячь под спойлер.

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сообщение 02.04.2020, 15:50
Сообщение #100

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Цитата(Roman @ 01.04.2020, 19:35) *
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Вылетало только у тебя или все отключились?
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сообщение 02.04.2020, 17:54
Сообщение #101


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Только у меня походу.

Атмосфера ЗП.
Светло, солнечно, счасливо. Им для полного счастья атмосферы не хватает только радуги на пол неба и белых пони, что будут эту радугу есть и какать бабочками. (с) Wizzard
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